Today in History:

175 Series I Volume XXXII-II Serial 58 - Forrest's Expedition Part II


I then had. My command is encamped as follows: The brigades here, at Jim Evans' Ford; Palmer and Brownlow, 2 1/2 miles from here, near Squire Burchfield's, on the road toward Beaver Dam. It is 3 miles form here to the Fair Garden road, and that would be the best road, probably, to bring the train over. The road I came over to-day is impracticable for wagons, almost for cavalry. The stupidity of the guide and Colonel Palmer's wrong impression as to the distance between roads made the march to-day very hard, when there was no necessity for it.

We are now here about opposite Fair Garden, the guide informs me, and you can get wagons across to this point, though as we advance farther it would be better probably to cross farther toward Wilsonville. Citizens in sevierville can give you better information than I, as I know nothing of these roads except the one I am on.

I will give yo the information I know, believe, and have heard. I know there is a small rebel force on Muddy Creek and some more will try to cross at Fain's Island to-night. They won't get across.

I believe that all the rebel force moved toward Mossy Creek yesterday and that they had been re-enforced. Some of the citizens from the other side say about 10,000.

I will give you now what I have heard; That Lee himself went down to the plains to-day; that there are 2,000 cavalry in Dandridge to-night, and that they are new cavalry, well clothed and mounted, and not the old stock of Longstreet.

It you can get any artillery horses in town I wish you would; we need them badly. I will move in the morning at 7 and would like to hear from the general commanding to-night if he has any directions.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Colonel, Cavalry Division.

Jim Evans' Ford, Tenn., January 22, 1864 - 7.10 a. m.

Lieutenant W. L. SHAW,

Acting Assistant Adjutant-General:

I inclose note* from Colonel Palmer. I made no attempt of the kind he suggested -

First. Because it was not received until just as our bugles sounded reveille.

Second. Because there was no location for the enemy's camp designated, and the "vicinity of Dandridge" comprises a large area to hunt over.

Third. Neither horses not men were in a condition to try the experiment. I think we ought to get possession of all this country above, to-day if possible. I will at least send parties to Beaver Dam and get possession of the fords above.

No news this morning.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Colonel, Commanding Division.


*Not found.
