Today in History:

578 Series I Volume XXXII-II Serial 58 - Forrest's Expedition Part II

Page 578 KY., SW.VA., TENN., MISS., ALA., AND N.GA. Chapter XLIV.

under his control as far as practicable, even to the extent of impressing the services of the mills and other products, if necessary. The time has come when all the property of the country must be available for its safety.

Very respectfully, colonel, your obedient servant,


Major-General and Chief of Bureau.


No. 13. Dalton, Ga., January 19, 1864.

I. No persons whatever, other than regular sutlers, will be permitted to follow this army or establish themselves within its lines. This rule will be enforced in towns and cities now or which may hereafter be within the lines of this army, except in cases of resident traders.

II. Any person found shipping, selling, or attempting to sell goods in violation of this order will be immediately arrested, his goods confiscated, and the facts reported to these headquarters.

By command of General Johnston:


Assistant Adjutant-General.


Richmond, Va., January 19, 1864.

Honorable JAMES A. SEDDON,

Secretary of War:

SIR: The occasion for my asking to have 200 wagons and teams ordered from Brandon, Miss., to the Army of Tennessee was the following paragraph in a letter from Major N. W. Smith, assistant inspector for second district:

I would again call your attention to the transportation for this district. McMicken telegraphs me that it is absolutely requisite that he have 300 wagons and teams at the earliest practicable moment and 125 horses. The latter can and will be supplied him at an early date; the former cannot be supplied from this district without materially interfering with the raising of breadstuffs and forage.

I have required Major Smith to explain the grounds upon which he arrived at the conclusion that his district required assistance in supplying the Army of Tennessee with transportation. The accompanying telegrams are furnished by him in explanation, with the following remarks extracted from a letter written by him on the 14th instant:

McMicken had telegraphed me soon after I commenced to send him 400 wagons. But a very small number of these were sent before the battle of Missionary Ridge. He then sent me the telegraph of 15th December (inclosed). I then sent Captain Hopkins up to get a statement of the losses. It could not be furnished at the time, but was promised as soon as the army got together. It has not been received yet. Captain Hopkins confirmed the dispatch, and said that Colonel McMicken wanted 300 wagons and teams as soon as possible. In reading the dispatch and writing same to you, I find that I misunderstood it. Instead of the whole 300 at the earliest possible moment, 100 of them were wanted at the earliest possible moment; but the dispatch shows what he wanted and what he has not yet got, and what he will want as soon as the army, or a portion of it, leaves the railroad.

Page 578 KY., SW.VA., TENN., MISS., ALA., AND N.GA. Chapter XLIV.