Today in History:

713 Series I Volume XXXII-II Serial 58 - Forrest's Expedition Part II


Soldiers! assured succeed awaits us in our holy struggle for liberty and independence, and for the preservation of all that renders life desirable to honorable men. When that success shall be reached, to you - your country's hope and pride - under Divine Providence, will it be due. The fruits of that success will not be reaped by you alone, but your children and your children's children, in long generations to come, will enjoy blessing deceived from you that will preserve your memory ever living in their hearts.

Citizen defenders of the homes, the liberties, and the altars of the Confederacy! that the Good whom we all humbly worship may shield you with his Fatherly care, and preserve you for safe return to the peaceful enjoyment of your friends and the associations of those you most love, is the earnest prayer of your Commander-in-Chief.


RICHMOND, February 9, 1864.

By order:


Adjutant and Inspector General.


Numbers 2.
February 10, 1864.

I. Following schools of instruction will be established and maintained at all times, except when upon the march:

First The captains and lieutenants of each regiment will be organized into a school, and will recite daily to the regimental commander, or some other field officer. These officer will also be formed daily and thoroughly drilled by the instructor in the school of the trooper, platoon, squadron, and in the use of the saber. The theoretical instructions will consist of the school of the trooper, platoon, squadron, evolution of the regiment, and so such of the Army Regulations as relates to guard duty and maneuvering of troops.

Second. The non-commissioned officers of each company, together with two or more of the most intelligent privates, will be organized into a school, and will recite daily to the company commander or some other commissioned officer. This school will also be formed daily and thoroughly drilled by the instructor in the school of the trooper, platoon, and in the use of the saber. The theoretical instructions will be the same as instruction to officers, omitting evolutions of the regiment.

II. Field officers will recite at least three times each month, to the division or brigade commander, in cavalry tactics, including evaluations of the regiments and evolutions of the line.

III. Division and brigade commanders will superintend these schools, and will use every exertion to facilitate and urge forward work so necessary to the proper discipline and efficiency of this arm of the service.

IV. The board of officers convened in each division, to relieve the army of incompetent officers, will commence vigorous action, and all officers found to be in any way incompetent to perform all the duties of the positions will be immediately relieved from duty.

V. In drilling, officers will exact the entire attention of the men, veer allowing to talk in ranks or become listless while being