Today in History:

746 Series I Volume XXXII-II Serial 58 - Forrest's Expedition Part II

Page 746 KY., SW. VA., TENN., MISS., ALA., AND N. GA. Chapter XLIV.

cavalry could cross the mountain in four days, and strike the Sinking Cane and head of Calfkiller, and if necessary gather supplies at Brady's told-gate for the infantry.

The distance from Wartburg to Brady's is 44 miles, with a splendid road, and no water to interfere with the march, and from Brady's on the road is first rate.

This route is decidedly preferable to the one via Kinston, Crossville, and Sparta, because Clinch River is easier crossed higher up, and the country has not been so througly ravaged by the enemy as around Kinston, and there is no danger of meeting a force of any size this side of Trousdale's Ferry. Then, if the general should think it nest, he could cross the Cumberland River at Gainesborough, Celina, or above, and move into Kentucky without any danger of a force in his rear.

Taking everything into consideration, I think the route and plan entirely practicable, and that General Longstreet ought to be re-enforced, if possible, 10,000, and the thing undertaken and Nashville captured. He has men enough to make the trip through, but not enough to do that and take and successfully hold Nashville, which would be such a blow to the enemy that they would never recover from its effects. I would be glad to lead me brigade in his advance and clear the way of all Yankees opposing.

Our troops are all panting for a move into Moddle Tennessee. Not a straggler would stay behind, and I believe they would fight with such desperation to redeem and hold the State that it would be impossible to drive us back.

I address this to Judge Gardenhire with the request that he will show it to Colonel Haynes, C. S. Senate, Colonel Murray, and Colonel Christman, of Kentucky, all of whom I feel assured will use their influence in favor of the move, which, of course, should be kept private.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Colonel, Commanding Division Cavalry.

Honorable Mr. SEDDON:

We respectfully send to the Secretary War the inclosed letter for his perusal. There is no man in Tennessee better acquainted with the country proposed to be traversed by our army than Colonel Dibrell, the author of the letter, and we venture to commenced his suggestions to the consideration of the Secretary of War.

With great respect, we remain, your friends, &c.,



Greenville, S. C., February 15, 1864.


Chief of Staff, Charleston, S. C.:

GENERAL: I have the honor to transmit herewith the copies of two dispatches received at these headquarters in reference to the movements of the enemy in Western North Carolina and a threatened incursion of a raiding party (the same) into this State, of which I advised you a week ago. It is, perhaps, necessary tat I should

Page 746 KY., SW. VA., TENN., MISS., ALA., AND N. GA. Chapter XLIV.