690 Series I Volume XLV-II Serial 94 - Franklin - Nashville Part II
Page 690 | KY., SW. VA., TENN., MISS., ALA., AND N. GA. Chapter LVII. |
and knowing no one who can perform this duty as well as yourself, he hopes that you will enter upon it at once. Brigadier General M. J. Wright, has been similarly assigned by General Beauregard in West Tennessee; the two portions of the State being in different military departments, renders separate assignments necessary for the present. Please communicate your news freely on the subject, and General Hood will cheerfully extend to you all the aid which the limited means now under his control permit.
Colonel and Assistant Adjutant-General.
HEADQUARTERS, Near Nashville, on Franklin Pike, December 15, 1864.Honorable J. A. SEDDON,
Secretary of War, Richmond, Va.:The enemy claim that we lost thirty colors in the fight at Franklin. We lost thirteen, capturing nearly the same number. The men who bore ours were killed on and within the enemy's interior line of works.
HEADQUARTERS, Near Nashville, on Franklin Pike, December 15, 1864.General G. T. BEAUREGARD,
Montgomery, Ala.:Please order Captain Hazlehurst, now on duty with Major-General Smith, to report to Lieutenant-Colonel Presstman. His service are needed on the railroad from Pulaski to Decatur.
HEADQUARTERS, Near Nashville, on Franklin Pike, December 15, 1864.Captain W. A. REID,
Assistant Adjutant and Inspector General, Corinth, Miss.:The officers of the military courts must come forward at once, bringing their personal baggage on their horses, or in any other way they can, taking advantage of loaded wagons that may be coming forward, but no wagons can be allowed exclusively for them and their effects. The public service requires that all wagons coming to the army now should bring either ordnance, commissary, or quartermaster stores. When the courts reach the army I will give them such transportation as I can. Order them up at once, in my name.
CIRCULAR.] HEADQUARTERS ARMY OF TENNESSEE, Near Nashville, Tenn., December 15, 1864.
The inclosed works which are now being built on the flanks of the army will be so pierced for artillery that it may fire in any direction
Page 690 | KY., SW. VA., TENN., MISS., ALA., AND N. GA. Chapter LVII. |