Today in History:

2 Series I Volume XXVIII-I Serial 46 - Ft. Sumter - Ft. Wagner Part I

Page 2 S. C. AND GA. COASTS, AND IN MID. AND E. FLA. Chapter XL.

Nov. 15, 1863.-Demonstration on John's Island, S. C.

16, 1863.-Engagement between the U. S. monitors and the Sullivan's Island batteries.

19-20, 1863.-Boat demonstration upon Fort Sumter, S. C.

24, 1863.-Skirmish near Cunningham's Bluff, S. C.

December 5, 1863.-Affari at Murrell's Inlet, S. C.

25, 1863.-Attack on the U. S. steamer Marblehead, in Stono River, S. C.

Engagement at Fort Brooke, Fla.

28, 1863.-Affair on John's Island, S. C.

30, 1863.-Skirmish near Saint Augustine, Fla.


Numbers 1.-Extract from annual report of Major General Henry W. Halleck, General-in-Chief, U. S. Army.

Numbers 2.-Major General Quincy A. Gillmore, U. S. Army, commanding Department of the South, with congratulatory orders.

Numbers 3.-Lieutenant Franklin E. Town, Forty-second New York Infantry, Chief Signal Officer.

Numbers 4.-General G. T. Beauregard, C. S. Army, commanding Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, with thanks of Confederate Congress.

Numbers 5.-Extracts from journal of operations in Charleston Harbor, Sept. 1-December 31, 1863.

Numbers 1. Extract for annual report of Major General Henry W. Halleck, General-in-Chief, U. S. Army.

Washington, D. C., November 15, 1863.

SIR: In compliance with your orders, I submit the following summary of military operation since my last annual report:

* * * * *


The withdrawal last year of most of our troops in South Carolina to re-enforce General McClellan on the Peninsula, compelled the commanding general of that department to confine himself mainly to the defense of the points which he then occupied.

An attack upon Fort Sumter and Charleston had long been in contemplation by the Navy Department, and in March last it was represented that the operations of the iron-clads and monitors would be greatly facilitated by a land force prepared to assist the attack and to occupy and work reduced by the navy. Accordingly, General Foster, with a considerable force and a large siege equipage, which had been prepared for another purpose, was sent to assist in this naval attack. It was thought that his talents and experience as an engineer officer, and his personal knowledge of the localities and defensive works of Charleston Harbor, rendered him peculiarly suited for this duty; but not proving acceptable to the commanding general of the department, he was permitted to return to his command in North Carolina, leaving his troops and siege preparations in the Department of the South.

The naval attack on Fort Sumter took place on the 7th of April, but being unsuccessful, nothing apparently remained to be done by

Page 2 S. C. AND GA. COASTS, AND IN MID. AND E. FLA. Chapter XL.