Today in History:

781 Series I Volume XXVII-I Serial 43 - Gettysburg Campaign Part I


exposed to a cross-fire from the batteries in our rear. No considerable development of line by the enemy that would have been of advantage to him could be made by him could be made by him in front of lines of either division without exposure of a portion of his line to an enfilading fire of musketry from the other division. The batteries fired over the line of the division, which was unavoidable, but the loss from this was small. This state of things continued until about 10 a. m., the enemy maintaining the attack with great constancy, throwing forward fresh troops from time to time, suffering severely, but gaining no advantage, while our loss was comparatively slight. At this time I received orders to try the enemy on the right of the line of breastworks, to the left of the swale, with two regiments, and, if practicable, to force him out. I sent orders by a staff officer to Colonel Colgrove, commanding Third Brigade, to advance skirmishers against the enemy at that point, and, if not found in too great force, to advance two regiments, and dislodge him from the breastworks. From mistake of the staff officer, or misunderstanding on the part of Colonel Colgrove, it was attempted to carry the position without first ascertaining the force of the enemy. The regiments selected-the Second Massachusetts Volunteers and Twenty-seventh Indiana Volunteers, of Third Brigade-moved forward gallantly, crossed the swale in line under a severe fire, gained the woods on the opposite side, forced the enemy back part way up the slope to breastworks, but could not dislodge him, owing to the natural obstacles to the advance and heavy fire of the enemy from his well-protected position. The regiments were withdrawn. The enemy attempted to follow, but was quickly driven back by the two regiments, who turned and opened fire, assisted by their supports. About 100 prisoners were captured from the enemy at this time, who was followed by skirmishers. The One hundred and twenty-third New York Volunteers, First Brigade, which had meantime been advanced from the left of the division, gained the stone wall; the enemy fell back over the breastworks, which were occupied by that regiment and the skirmishers. The line of the division from center to left was at once advanced, and the breastworks reoccupied, the enemy retiring from under fire. The enemy's sharpshooters kept up an annoying fire from cover in front of the line during the remainder of the day, but no more fighting took place. At about 2 p. m., in accordance with orders, one brigade (the First) was sent to the support of the left center of main line, its place being temporarily supplied by regiments from Third Brigade. The attack of the enemy was repulsed without the services of the brigade being required, and it returned to its place. At about 5 p. m. two regiments of Third Brigade-the Thirteenth New Jersey Volunteers, Colonel Carman, and One hundred and seventh New York Volunteers, Colonel Grane-were sent to act as supports to cavalry force of Brigadier-General Gregg on the right of the army, and remained until about 9 a. m. of the next day. On the morning of July 4, it was ascertained that the enemy had withdrawn during the night from our immediate front. A reconnaissance, under the direction of Major-General Slocum, was made by the Third Brigade, and Forty-sixth Pennsylvania Volunteers and Fifth Connecticut Volunteers, of the First Brigade, under mu command, around the right of the army, the line of march being along