Today in History:

583 Series I Volume XXVII-II Serial 44 - Gettysburg Campaign Part II


Fourth Georgia; Lieutenant [James S.] Wilder, Twenty-first [Georgia], who were in command of the sharpshooters of the brigade, too much praise cannot be awarded. To Captain F. T. Snead, assistant adjutant-genera; Lieutenant E. A. Hawkins, aide-de-camp, and C. T. Furlow, of my staff, I am under obligations for valuable sevices rendered. I have the honor to report and return one flag captured by the Twelfth Georgia. We lost no colors. The brigade went into action with 131 officers and 1, 238 enlisted men; total, 1, 369. List of Casualties.

Killed Wounded Missing

Command Officers. Men. Officers. Men. Officers. Men. Total.

4th Georgia 2 7 3 26 --- 7 45

12th Georgia --- 4 2 33 --- 10 49

21st Georgia --- 1 --- 11 --- 5 17

44th Georgia --- 10 6 43 --- 9 68

TOTAL 2 22 11 113 --- 31 179

Respectfully submitted. GEO. DOLES, Brigadier-General. Major H. A. WHITING, Assistant Adjutant-General. HEADQUARTERS DOLES' BRIGADE, July 19, 1863.

MAJOR: As an appendix to my official report of the battle of Gettysburg, Pa., July 1 to 4, I respectfully submit the following: While my command was advancing against the enemy on the evening of July 1, my line was subjected to and did receive a severe fire from one of our own batteries, from which fire I lost several men killed and wounded. This was from a two-fun battery (brass pieces stationed on the side of the hill where General Rodes' headquarters were at the opening of the engagement. Again, on July 3, while my command was lying in line of battle, I sent a request back for our batteries stationed on the hill near the pike leading from Gettysburg to Fairfield to shell some houses in my front, for the purposed of dislodging the enemy's sharpshooters. The battery opened fire, its fire taking effect on my men. We waved our flag, and sent them word that they were firing on us. They did not cease firing. I lost several men wounded by the fire of this battery. I make this statement for the purpose of putting on record my protest against such indifference and negligence on the part of those in command of these two batteries. I have made every effort to find out the batteries, and have failed so far. I am, major, yours, &c., GEO. DOLES,


Major H. A. WHITING,

Assistant Adjutant-General.