Today in History:

301 Series I Volume XXVII-III Serial 45 - Gettysburg Campaign Part III



Washington, June 24, 1863-1 p. m.

Governor TOD,

Columbus, Ohio:

The Secretary of War requests that the Ohio regiments, as fast as raised, be sent to Parkersburg, to report to General Kelley, who now commands the Department of West Virginia, including the tier of counties of Ohio bordering on that department. Should it be found necessary, they can afterward be moved up the Ohio River to Wheeling or Pittsburgh.



June 24, 1863-11. 30 p. m.

Major-General HOOKER:

GENERAL: The substance of what I have been able to accomplish thus far is a promise of a brigade of about 1, 800 men from this point, to move to-morrow for Monocacy Bridge (3 miles this side of Frederick.) I have not directed that should go on to Frederick, until I see whether you desire so small a column of troops ordered across the Monocacy until your movements are determined. They will be in reach of you any moment by telegraph at that point. I may hunt out something more to-morrow morning. A portion of these will be militia. I find from General Schenck's report, a copy of which accompanies this, * that he has 35, 108, on paper. Taking them up in their order, we find: First. Harper's Ferry, 11, 905, on paper; but General Schenck tells me that General Tyler's effective force for duty is about 8, 500. This includes thirty pieces of artillery. The command has one month's supplies; ammunition for a siege of twenty days. So General Schenck informs me. Second. Milroy and Winchester, 7, 208. Bursted, and of no account. At Bloody Run, Pa., 2, 777, and Couch can't spare the, although General Schenck has ordered them here to refit, equip, and move them up to Harper's Ferry. At Harper's Ferry, 1, 759 are reported, but this does not seem to strengthen Tyler's command any beyond the 8, 500 above mentioned. I should not be surprised, however, if Tyler's force should turn out to be larger. Third. Charleston, Brigadier-General Scammon, 4, 862. This force is cup off from this portion of Schenck's department, and is out of the line of operations; scattered over a hundred miles of line or territory, from Mount Pleasant, on the Ohio River, up to Fayette. The latter, a fortified place. Fourth. Point Lookout, Md., 2, 270. From this force we get the First Potomac Home Brigade, all that is reported good for anything at all, numbering about 600 to 700 men, making up a portion of the 1, 800 which are to march to-morrow. This command has been called in; I may get something more out of it. Fifth. Fort McHenry, General Morris, 1, 431. This is made up of small detachments and independent commands, including artillery for the forts, the bulk of it being the Seventh Regiment New York State Militia, the crack regiment of New York City troops, 700 strong, reported anxious to take the field. As they are only out for thirty


*Reference is to Schenck's tri-monthly return for June 20, 1863.

See p. 243
