Today in History:

42 Series I Volume XXXI-II Serial 55 - Knoxville and Lookout Mountain Part II

Page 42 KY., SW. VA., Tennessee,MISS., N. ALA., AND N. GA.


taken. General Howard's corps is advanced to the railroad bridge next to the river and to the left of Fort Wood, and will occupy this advanced position to-night, and from there move early in the morning, hugging the river closely, to form a junction with you. Our loss was light; the enemy's, in killed and wounded, supposed to be small. We captured full 200 prisoners.

By order of Major General U. S. Grant:

JNumbers A. RAWLINS,

Brigadier-General, and Chief of Staff.

CHATTANOOGA, November 23, 1863.

Brigadier-General WOODS,

(Care Major-General Hooker):

If the bridge is in readiness for you to cross between now and 8 a.m. to-morrow, cross over and come immediately to Chattanooga, in the absence of further orders. Should you not be able to cross by that time, report to General Hooker, to join him in any effort he may be called on to make.




November 23, 1863.

Major-General GRANT:

Sherman has four divisions across. General Woods has come up and is now embarking. Six pontoons more will complete the bridge. Howard has halted about half a mile from Sherman, and make his men lie down. The rebels have men behind the railroad bank to right of the tunnel. Cannot see whether few or many.


(Similar dispatch to Thomas.)

NOVEMBER 24, 1863-11.20 a.m.

General SHERMAN:

Thomas' forces are confronting enemy's line of rifle-pits, which seem to be but weakly lined with troops. Considerable movement has taken place on top of the ridge toward you. Howard has sent a force to try and flank the enemy on our left, and to send through to communicate with you. Until I do hear from you I am loath to give any orders for a general engagement. Hooker seems to have been engaged for some time, but how I have not heard. Does there seem to be a force prepared to receive you east of the ridge? Send me word what can be done to aid you.




Page 42 KY., SW. VA., Tennessee,MISS., N. ALA., AND N. GA.