135 Series I Volume XXXI-II Serial 55 - Knoxville and Lookout Mountain Part II
for whom he obtained receipts, and General Wood reports 2,050 taken by his division, for over 1,000 of whom he also obtained receipts. I do not hesitate to state that the enemy, in his flight, lost over 5,000 stand of small-arms. In many places the ground was covered with them. We passed by without gathering them up, as we were pursuing and fighting the enemy until after dark and as my command was recalled during the night for the purpose of marching to Knoxville. For an account of the captures made by the two brigades of my First Division, on Lookout Mountain, and for a statement of their losses, I refer to the official reports of Brigadier-General Cruft, forwarded to Major-General Hooker. Were I to name all who in this most gallant feat of arms won credit, I must needs call the roster and rolls of my command. Sufficient be it then, in this place, that I refer for the names of officers and men worthy of special mention to the reports of their immediate commanders.
To Maj. Gen. Philip H. Sheridan, conspicuous for his conduct and gallantry on every battle-field where he has been engaged,, and not less so upon this one; to Brig. Gen. Thomas J. Wood, the tried and trusty soldier, who here added a new glory to his enviable record; to Brigadier-Generals Willich and Hazen and Wagner, and Samuel Beatty, and to Colonels Harker and Sherman, commanding brigades, whose names will be heard whenever is told the story of the marching and fighting of this army; to the regimental and company officers, and to the private soldiers in the ranks, not merely my own acknowledgments, but those of the whole country, are due. To all of the members of my staff for rendering me important service in carrying dispatches and orders over the hottest part of the field during the battle, and for promptly and efficiently performing all other duties required of them, I offer my sincere thanks.
Major-General, Commanding.
Chief of Staff, Department of the Cumberland.
Statement of killed, wounded, and missing in the Second Division, Fourth Army Corps, commanded by Maj. Gen. Philip H. Sheridan; and in the Third Division, Fourth Army Corps, commanded by Brig. Gen. Thomas J. Wood, in the battle of Mission Ridge.
Killed Wounded
Command Office Men Total Office Men Total
rs rs
First Brigade, 6 26 32 27 239 266
Second Division,
Colonel Sherman
Second Brigade, 2 70 72 50 586 636
Second Division,
Third Brigade, 4 23 27 34 235 269
Second Division,
Colonel Harker
Total Second 12 119 131 111 1,060 1,171
First Brigade, Third 7 46 53 17 267 284
Division, Brigadier-
General Willich
Second Brigade, 7 86 93 30 399 429
Third Division,
Third Brigade, Third 2 12 14 12 148 160
Division, Brigadier-
General Beatty
Total Third Division 16 144 160 59 814 873
Total Second and 28 263 291 170 1,874 2,044
Third Divisions*
*But see revised statement, p.81,82.