Today in History:

142 Series I Volume XXXI-II Serial 55 - Knoxville and Lookout Mountain Part II

Page 142 KY.,SW.VA.,Tennessee,MISS.,N.ALA.,AND N.GA. Chapter XLIII.

Enyart commanding, opposite Bridgeport; Second Brigade, Brigadier-General Whitaker commanding, at Shellmound; Third Brigade, Colonel William Grose commanding, at Whiteside's.

Orders from department headquarters had been previously received directing me to march the brigades from Shellmound and Whiteside's [except two regiments and the artillery to be left as garrison at each post] to Lookout Valley, and report for orders to Major-General Hooker. The occupancy of the roads, however, for the passage of troops of General Sherman's command, induced a modification of the orders from day to day.

On the morning of the 23rd ultimo, the two brigades commenced their march. Six regiments of the Second Brigade [Brig. Gen. W. C. Whitaker] left Shellmound at 8 a.m., and six regiments of the Third Brigade [Colonel Grose commanding] left Whiteside's at 10 a.m., and after a march of 21 and 13 miles, respectively, were reported to Major-General Hooker during the afternoon of the same day.

The garrison left at Shellmound consisted of One hundred and fifteenth Illinois, Colonel Moore commanding; Eighty-fourth Indiana Volunteers, Major Neff commanding; Fifth Indiana Battery, Lieutenant Alfred Morrison commanding; and that left at Whiteside's of Thirtieth Indiana Volunteers, Lieutenant Colonel O. D. Hurd commanding; Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania Volunteers, Captain John E. Walker commanding; Battery H, Fourth U. S. Artillery, Lieutenant H. C. Cushing commanding.

The following twelve regiments from the two brigades of the division constituted my field command, to wit:

Effective strength

Command Officers Enlisted men Total

Second Brigade, Brigadier- 18 184 202

General Whitaker

commanding: 8th Kentucky

Volunteers, Colonel Sidney

M. Barnes commanding

96th Illinois Volunteers, 14 258 272

Colonel Thomas E. Champion


40th Ohio Volunteers, 16 353 349

Colonel J. E. Taylor


35th Indiana Volunteers, 24 144 168

Colonel B. F. Mullen


51st Ohio Volunteers, 14 160 174

Lieutenant Colonel

C. H. Wood commanding

99th Ohio Volunteers, 24 276 300

Lieutenant Colonel

J. E. Cummins commanding

Total 110 1,355 1,465

Third Brigade, Colonel W. 22 264 286

Grose commanding: 59th

Illinois Volunteers,

Maj. Clayton Hale


75th Illinois Volunteers, 24 242 266

Colonel John E. Bennett


84th Illinois Volunteers, 22 283 305

Colonel Louis H. Waters


9th Indiana Volunteers, 22 271 293

Colonel I. C. B. Suman


36th Indiana Volunteers, 11 253 264

Maj. Gilbert Trusler


24th Ohio Volunteers, 12 198 210

Captain G. M. Bacon


Total 113 1,511 1,624

In addition to the above infantry, Major-General Stanley, commanding division, very kindly added Company E, Ninety-second Illinois Mounted Infantry [Captain M. Van Buskirk commanding], for escort duty, numbering 2 officers and 43 enlisted men.

The aggregate effective strength in the command on the morning of the 23rd ultimo was: Officers, 225; enlisted men, 2,909; total, 3,134.

On the night of the 23d, the command bivouacked, as directed, near General Hooker's headquarters, in Lookout Valley, nearly opposite

Page 142 KY.,SW.VA.,Tennessee,MISS.,N.ALA.,AND N.GA. Chapter XLIII.