Today in History:

10 Series I Volume XXXI-III Serial 56 - Knoxville and Lookout Mountain Part III

Page 10 KY.,SW.VA., Tennessee,MISS.,N.ALA., AND N.GA. Chapter XLIII.

CHATTANOOGA, November 1, 1863.


Superintendent Military Railroads, Nashville:

Send thirty, and if possible more, cars through to Stevenson and Bridgeport daily, loaded with rations; ten of these for beef-cattle. With the balance of your transportation ship all stores turned over for shipment by the quartermaster's department as rapidly as possible. The road should be run to its utmost capacity, and should there be at any time spare cars, load them with rations or forage and send them through. On no account fail to send the thirty cars daily loaded with rations. Answer what you can do.


CHATTANOOGA, Tennessee, November 1, 1863.

Colonel C. L. KILBURN,

Chief Commissary, Louisville:

Colonel Haines and yourself should get rations to Nashville by water while the Cumberland is up. I did not want Haines to send any by way of Louisville, but thought the Ohio might be navigable below the mouth of the Cumberland when not so above. More cars are expected for the road south of Nashville, and with a good supply of stores there, cars can also be taken from the Louisville road to help bring them south.


CHATTANOOGA, November 1, 1863-10 p.m. [Received 5th.]

Major-General BURNSIDE, Knoxville:

Thomas' command is not in condition to do more than make a demonstration in their immediate front. This will be done as soon as possible.

Kingston should be held, if you have to concentrate all your force there. Make such disposition of trains and troops as to be able to make this concentration. Should the enemy break through below Kingston, move in force to Sparta and McMinnville and hang on to him with your force, and such as I can send from Bridgeport and Stevenson, until he is beaten and turned back. Call any forces you may be able to spare from the Department of the Ohio up to Cumberland and Big Creek Gaps. Supplies can probably be got better from Carthage than any other point. You can leave General Boyle in Louisville if you choose.


Major-General, Commanding.

GREENEVILLE, November 1, 1863.

General BURNSIDE, Knoxville:

Just received a very good report from Colonel Garrard. His operations extended through War Gap to Pattonville, and through Kingsport to Morrison's Gap, just above Estillville. He says the

Page 10 KY.,SW.VA., Tennessee,MISS.,N.ALA., AND N.GA. Chapter XLIII.