Today in History:

79 Series I Volume XXII-II Serial 33 - Little Rock Part II


trade carried on by disloyalists. They were connected with wealthy parties in Saint Louis, and they could command any reasonable amount of money that they might require. Their agents and emissaries furnished our enemies unequaled facilities for a thorough system of espionage. They penetrated in safety districts where it was worth as much as his life for a Union man to show himself.

Under the orders of Governor Gamble, calling out all the loyal militia of the State, the trade and commerce of the country naturally fell into the hands of the disloyal. They had brought civil war on the country, had enrolled themselves as disloyal and were enjoying the monopoly of the trade of the country under the protection of the laws which were defended by the loyal citizens. All competition from loyal traders was thus avoided. Under these circumstances, I attempted to prevent the contraband trade with our enemies, the guerrillas, and all commerce carried on by disloyal persons, by prohibiting the transportation or removal of stock, goods, wares, and merchandise from one part of my district to another without a permit therefor, obtained from the provost-marshal-general of the department, a district provost-marshal-general, or from the nearest local provost-marshal. This was effected by a circular order, issued by my provost-marshal-general, acting under my directions, a copy of which is inclosed.* Finding that this orders was ineffectual to suppress the contraband trade carried on by rebels, and that by certain means it was perverted so as to discriminate against Union men and in favor of rebels, it became necessary to adopt other means to furnish protection to those who have the right to demand it under our flag and to resist the influence of the disloyal. As a last resort, I believed it to be my duty to issue Orders, No. 6, and by it test the virtue of my own headquarters. Under this order an effectual check has been put upon the contraband trade, and Quantrill's friends have to rely on their confederate in Kansas for an outlets for their stolen stock. To show that some of it has heretofore in that direction, I inclose herewith a slip from a newspapers* sent me some time since. That this order has proved a severe blow upon the disloyal was very apparent from the beginning, and that they should use the most extraordinary exertions to have it revoked is very natural,and whilst I admit its provisions are very stringent, yet more stringent measures have been advised, as you will see by reference to Colonel Woolfolk's letter, sent you some ten days since. (The colonel, you will remember, is the commander of the post at Sedalia.) As a guard against the shipment of stolen stock, he suggests that every trader, before shipment, should be required to produce a bill of sale for each animal that it is proposed to ship, and that the lot be advertised ten days in advance, giving notice that the advertise would on a certain day ship a lot of stock, describing it,and that it should remain open for inspection during that time, so that those whose stock had been stolen might recover it before it was shipped from the country. Nor are they near so stringent as they are represented to be by the complainant in his letter to General Price. The order does not interfere with the purchases of salt, a bolt of cotton, a piece of calico,or of wood or coal for fuel. If does, however, require the trader who wishes to carry his cattle, horses, and mules to Saint Louis to show his hand, that it may be known that he is an honest man, who has come by such property honestly,and that he is not one of Quantrill's friends, in charge of the proceeds of the last raid made by the band. And of this General Price's correspondent complains most


*Not found.
