Today in History:

670 Series I Volume XIII- Serial 19 - Missouri - Arkansas Campaign

Page 670 MO.,ARK., KANS., IND. T., AND DEPT. N. W. Chapter XXV.

getting any. It is impossible to follow mounted Indians on foot or prevent them from making descent upon the settlements. You suggest the use of mountain howitzers. I have none and know not where they are to be had. It is impossible to get wagons in the country. Three days have been spent in getting eleven two-horse wagons to move some companies. I have no means to keep them supplies. You speak of a short campaign. You must know how near the season is at an end here when operations are possible.

Do not misunderstand the facts. It is not only the Sioux with whom we have to deal. All the Indians--Sioux, Chippewas, and Winnebagoes--are on the verge of outbreak along the whole frontier. I am not inclined to be extravagant in expenditures, but certain things must be had if we are to do anything. It is not possible to supply the posts and expeditions as you suggest. I have bought no wagons, nor can I in this region. I had hoped officers would be sent to buy them and mules. I have neither quartermaster's, commissaries, ordnance, nor medical officers; nothing in fact but a few perfectly raw troops and raw I can promptly and vigorously, but I cannot do much without help or money. The credit of the United States is far below par here. Debts have been unpaid for many months, and people are not very willing to trust the Government until some prospects of payment. I shall draw one more regiment from Wisconsin, making two in all, as you seem so desirous to have the troops sent south. I hear of paroled troops coming, but when I cannot learn.


Major-General, Commanding.


Brigadier General E. A. CARR:

SIR: I withdraw from Helena a considerable force, leaving you to assume command.

McBride has moved north to Pocahontas with a large force. Probably Parsons and others have joined him. I will probably re-enforce Helena again, but try to get the front in complete order and be ready for all emergencies. Hindman has collected a considerable force in Western Arkansas, and his advance is in this State. Keep me posted daily as to matters in your vicinity, or as often as you can.

The cavalry of the First and Third Divisions, which I leave, must be properly attacked to the Second and Fourth, and have them ready for duty at any call.

I expect your earnest and honest support.

Truly, yours,



Brigadier General FRED. STEELE:

GENERAL: I send your orders for your movement to Pilot Knob with the greatest part of your division. The regiments will not delay for

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