Today in History:

6 Series I Volume XLIX-I Serial 103 - Mobile Bay Campaign Part I

Page 6 KY., S. W. VA., TENN., N. &C. GA., MISS., ALA., & W. FLA.

Mount Sterling, Ky., February 15, 1865.

CAPTAIN: I have the honor most respectfully to submit the following report of operations of this command:

The order received per telegraph ordering one company of Major Buck's command to Flemingsburg and the other to Hillsborough was forwarded per courier. Also instructions to detachment at Flat Rock. Lieutenant Palmer, commanding Company K, at Carlisle, informs me that on the 12th he heard of the detachment of the detachment of guerrillas reported near Paris, and he started in pursuit of them the 13th. These rebels are commanded by a Major Comron, and it is believed that he is recruiting for the rebel army. Captain Edwards, commanding Company D, at Flat Rock, reports yesterday that he had information that Jessee with about sixty men was within ten miles of him. Both companies are at work. Captain Gilluly reports from Owingsville to-day that everything is quiet in that vicinity. Scouts to Mud Lick Springs and other points in that neighborhood report no guerrillas about. Captain Miles, at Stanton, and Lieutenant Decker, at Oil Springs, report everything quiet, as does also Captain Simpson, at Jeffersonville. There are three squadrons and a portion of a fourth of this regiment that have no horses, although every endeavor has been made to obtain them. We have but about forty rounds of ammunition for the carbines. Requisition has been made for more, but none can be obtained. It is absolutely necessary that we have more horses and ammunition at once to enable us to execute orders that have been received.

I am, captain, respectfully, your obedient servant,


Colonel Eleventh Michigan Cavalry, Commanding.

Captain J. S. BUTLER,

Assistant Adjutant-General, Lexington, Ky.

Numbers 2. Report of Lieutenant Colonel Charles E. Smith, Eleventh Michigan Cavalry.

Mount Sterling, February 5, 1865.

COLONEL: I have the honor to report that on the morning of the 3rd instant I moved from this point with four companies 135 men, scouting the country to Sharpsburg, Jackstown, and Flat Rock, reaching latter place at 3 a. m. of 4th instant; from thence back to Sharps burg. At this place I sent two companies under Captain Solean, of Company E, to picket road eight miles north of Sharpsburg. I with two companies picketed the road between Sharpsburg and Mount Sterling, putting the pickets after dark. Up to this time we had met with nothing, but had gained a knowledge of the country and of the usual manner of the operations of the thieving parties who infest this neighborhood. About 10 o'clock at night a party of nine mounted men in citizens' dress, armed with revolvers, and each with a led horse, passed within our pickets, who drove them onto our main body, who received them with a heavy fire. Three of the men escaped mounted; the rest, dismounting, took to the woods, and we lost them, it being quite dark. However, we followed their trail half a mile and wounded 1, who fell twice, but escaped. We killed 2 of their horses and cap

Page 6 KY., S. W. VA., TENN., N. &C. GA., MISS., ALA., & W. FLA.