Today in History:

10 Series I Volume XLIX-II Serial 104 - Mobile Bay Campaign Part II

Page 10 KY., S. W. VA., TENN., N. & C. GA., MISS., ALA., & W. FLA.

that it would be very bad policy to rearm and remount these troops as cavalry, and in this opinion the Bureau fully concurs. The serviceable horses, arms, and equipments now in the hands of this command might be turned over to General Hatch's division, and they be armed and equipped as infantry and be rendered serviceable at once. At present they are comparatively worthless. Should this meet your approval I will go to Lexington upon the arrival there of Hatch's division and attend personally to the matter, leaving Captain Goodenow here to forward horses and ordnance. In this event I would like to have an order from you authorizing the disposition I have suggested of the horses and arms of Hobson's division.

I am, general, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Major, 4th U. S. Cav., Special Inspector of Cav., Mil. Div. of the Miss.


Off Nashville, Tenn., March 17, 1865.

Major General GEORGE H. THOMAS, U. S. ARMY,

Commanding Department of the Cumberland, Nashville, Tenn.:

GENERAL: I have the honor to inform you that in compliance with your wishes and in obedience to the orders of Lieutenant-Commander Le Roy Fitch, commanding Tenth District Mississippi Squadron, I have been up the Cumberland River with this vessel and U. S. steamer Victory as far as Wolf Creek Shoals, a point about forty miles below Camp Burnside (Big South Fork). On these shoals I found five feet scant water and thought it imprudent to go farther on a rapidly falling river. I made landings at all important points and at may farm-horses and impressed the people with your desires and intentions in regard to themselves as forcibly as possible. I incline to the opinion that the information will be rapidly carried into the interior and ultimately yield good results. I saw no guerrillas, and consequently had no trouble. I was told, however, and I think truthfully, that on Sunday last, 12th instant, a force of about 100 rebels had crossed the Cumberland from Celina the mouth of Obey's River, with what intentions and under whose command I could not ascertain. This intelligence I communicated to commanding officer at Charthage and to the camp of wood choppers at Dixon's Springs, about thirty miles lower on the river. A good deal of apprehension exists on the north side of the Cumberland, caused by the movement of bodies of guerrillas and their rumored purpose of concentrating to attack the camp above alluded to. The force which crossed at Celina may have been en route for the rendezvous.

I have the honor to be, general, your obedient servant,


Acting Volunteer Lieutenant, Commanding.

CHICKASAW, ALA., March 17, 1865-7.30 a. m.

Major General GEORGE H. THOMAS,

Nashville, Tenn.:

My command will be all across this afternoon; all arrangements will be finished to-morrow, and if the roads permit will march next day. I can hear no reliable news of military movements from the Gulf or elsewhere.


Brevet Major-General.

Page 10 KY., S. W. VA., TENN., N. & C. GA., MISS., ALA., & W. FLA.