Today in History:

300 Series I Volume XVI-II Serial 23 - Morgan's First Kentucky Raid, Perryville Campaign Part II

Page 300 KY.,M. AND E.TENN.,N.ALA., AND SW.VA. Chapter XXVIII.

Nelson. A few men were captured at Murfreesborough, not a company.

Colonel Wynkoop is now in the city, sent by General Nelson to take all his men from here to Murfreesborough, thence to McMinnville. Colonel Miller asks me if Nashville be in General Nelson's command. He requires Colonel Miller and also Colonel Boons, at Gallatin, to report to him.


Major, Fifteenth U. S. Infantry and Act. Asst. Adjt. General

COLUMBIA, August 9, 1862.

Colonel J. B. FRY:

Guerrillas numbering about 30 attacked guards at Lynnville, wounding 1 man. They fired into the cars afterward; captured 7 men and 4 wagons near Reynolds'. I am waiting anxiously for battalion of Kennett's cavalry to report.

The expedition against Hickman's guerrillas is planned, with every probability of success if not delayed too long. The wealthy secessionists of this neighborhood are undoubtedly aiding and sympathizing with these guerrillas parties. Many of their sons are with them. I have instituted most vigorous and determined measures against them.



TULLAHOMA, August 9, 1862.

Colonel J. B. FRY:

Colonel Hambright, Seventy-ninth Pennsylvania, commanding at Manchester, telegraphs that three couriers left McMinnville between 4 and 5 o'clock p.m. yesterday with dispatches from General Nelson to me. After passing Vervilla, 14 miles from Manchester, they were fired on by 10 or more rebel cavalry. Two of the couriers fell and the returned on thinks the one having the dispatches was killed. Dispatches were in the courier's boots, but whether in cipher or not I am not informed.



LOUISVILLE, August 9, 1862.

Major-General BUELL:

General Morgan expresses opinion that rebels on the border are moving in direction of McMinnville or Nashville; that your movements have changed theirs. Hope they cannot surprise your forces. Governor Morton will send me four regiments next week.

I propose to take possession of Cumberland border subsist on it, and devastate it. Could I go in person and command?


HEADQUARTERS, Huntsville, August 9, 1862.

General BOYLE, Louisville:

Captain Gilbert reports that your guards have not built stockades.

Page 300 KY.,M. AND E.TENN.,N.ALA., AND SW.VA. Chapter XXVIII.