Today in History:

402 Series I Volume XVI-II Serial 23 - Morgan's First Kentucky Raid, Perryville Campaign Part II

Page 402 KY., M. AND E. TENN., N. ALA., AND SW. VA. Chapter XXVIII.

nearly all carried away. Our loss, 13 killed, 23 wounded, 208 taken prisoners. Inhabitants are taking care of our wounded well. No rebel troops at Gallatin. Citizens nearly all gone to Hartsville to see Colonel Boone's paroled men hung to-day by Morgan for having been seen with our troops, giving aid. Morgan had gone to Hartsville with whole force, which was, from best information, not over 1,400 strong. Captain Mason was informed by negroes that Morgan was re-enforced at Hartsville last night by 5,000 infantry and 2,000 cavalry. He gives credence to the negroes' statement. Nelson did not go by way of Gallatin. A negro just in reports 4,000 of the enemy 6 miles down the river at first ford. I have scouts out in that direction. Reports of force having been at White's Creek, 12 miles below, contradictory; scouts could not see nor hear of the enemy.

JNumbers F. MILLER.

Elk River, August 23, 1862.

Colonel FRY:

I have received reliable information this morning that a considerable rebel force, under the command of General Hardee, is moving up the mountain at Dunlap; will probably pass Altamont. It will take them three or four days to come here, as they move very slow and have heavy artillery. Please let me know where Generals McCook and Crittenden are. Can my quartermaster get some money? I have to pay scouts small sums and have not a cent.



Nashville, August 23, 1862.

Colonel J. B FRY, Chief of Staff, Decherd:

COLONEL: General Buell telegraphed me last night evidently under the impression that I had announced the march on Nashville of an overwhelming force. The telegram sent at 2 a.m. this morning in reply will probably correct that impression. From the best information I can get the force concentrated about Gallatin, which Johnson encountered, was not less than 3,000 mostly mounted, though frequently acting on foot; and this fact, and the further fact that citizens acted with them, not known for how long enrolled, makes it exceedingly difficult to get precise information. It is assumed that Morgan, Forrest, and Starnes are united and can come together at call, though frequently detached from each other on predatory excursions. The party that captured Clarksville seem to be adventures, who had yet reported, recently recruited, though possibly the officers may have had authority. This party completed the destruction of Red River Bridge last night. It seems impossible for small parties to go out in any direction without meeting parties of these people. That citizens act with them and are of them is certain. Many such were seen at Gallatin by persons recognizing them. Also on this side of the river these fellows are found administering paroles to our men, as was the case with courier sent to General Cruft last week.

At a point 12 miles down the Cumberland, on the other side, called

Page 402 KY., M. AND E. TENN., N. ALA., AND SW. VA. Chapter XXVIII.