Today in History:

268 Series I Volume L-II Serial 106 - Pacific Part II



Olympia, Wash. Ter., December 29, 1862.

General GEORGE WRIGHT, U. S. Army,

Commanding Military Department of the Pacific, San Francisco:

DEAR SIR: I feel deeply and earnestly the importance of the present Congress providing for a line of military posts along the emigrant route across this Territory. From this view I have considered it my duty to recommend our Territorial Legislature, now in session, to memorialize Congress in behalf of suitable appropriations to secure the construction of those necessary military establishments at the earliest day practicable as the only efficacious plan by which the lives and property of all future emigrants can be securely protected. Also for a memorial for the extinction of the Indian title to all lands over which the said emigrant road passes for the purpose of more effectually commanding and preserving the peace and quiet of all overland travelers from the South Pass to the Columbia River. By securing the whole length of the road upon lands belonging exclusively to the United States will give us a more certain hoe of being better able to preserve travelers from Indian molestation than we can possibly expect to accomplish so lons as the road passes over lands yet belonging to the Indians. Also for a memorial for such additional mail routes as the Lesiglature knows the increasing population needs. Both houses of the Legislature have unanimously passed suitable memorials for all these purposes, one of which prays for establishing a mail route from South Pass or from Salt Lake along the said emigrant road down Sanke River Valley to Walla Walla. In order to impress upon the immediate consideration of the President, the proper Departments, and the suitable committees of Congress the requisite and necessary duty of thoroughly protecting the lives and property of all future emigrants, I have at length prevailed upon the bearer, my old political and per nearly thirty years past in Springfield, Ill., Dr. Anson G. Henry, to go to Washington City for those purposes. Doctor Henry has been the personal and political friend, neighbor and associate of the President of the United States from the first day that Mr. Lincoln went to reside at Springfield, Ill. The President, as well as myself, have both well known Doctor Henry to have been on all occasions and at all times a strictly honest and upright man, and has always maintained the reputation of a truthful man of sterling worth and reliability, and a kindhearted, moral, good man, and the President, as well as myself, both very well know Doctor Henry to be at this day the same deservingly good man that he always has been through his whole past life, notwithstanding the vile bickerings of Democratics secession sympathizers against him, and against all prominent supporters of our present Administration, and against all its well-meant efforts to crush out the present monstrous rebellion. If you have any official, military, or confidential messages, packages, or communictions to forward to Washington City you cannot find a more faithful messenger, or a more puncual and reliable bearer thereof than Doctor Henry, and I should be glad and esteem it a personal favor if you can furnish him with a messengership and a free pass from your department to Washington City and back again as bearer of yur dispatches. I have no contingent fund at my disposal out of which to pay the costs of such a necessary journey, nor can I disptch a messenger to Washington and give him aree pass; therefore unless you can oblige me by giving Doctor Henry a free pass, the unavoidable costs of the whole trip will fall heavily upon my own