Today in History:

349 Series I Volume L-II Serial 106 - Pacific Part II


order of inportance rather than of date. First. My lettr of 11th of February, giving my proposed plan of operations for the summer, furnished in reply to your instructions of 16th of January. I have feared that the original miscaried, and I send to-day a duplicate. I had hoped to hear whether the general commanding the department approved of my plans. Second. On the 23rd of Jauary if I had authority to muster in a colonel of the First Oregon Cavalry, vice Cornelius resigned. The regiment was reised as an independent organization under the War Department instructions of 24th of September, 1861; but War Department General Orders, Numbers 18, of 27th of February, 1862, said that no such organization shall hereafter be reconized. An order in 1861 had provided that a colonel should not be mustered in until a full regiment was raised. I am pleased to see that another assistant surgeon of a cavalry regiment is authorized, as we are in need of more medical officers in this district. Your communication of the 10th ultimo was received on the 2nd instant, and the letter of the general commanding the department to the Governor of Oregon forwared to him by me on that day. He has manifested desire to comply with the request for the completion of the regiment, and has done so from the 6th of January, the date of my reception of your instructions of the 23rd of December. Third. Your letter of the 4th of February in reply mine of the 13th of Janaury does not answer the amin question presented in that letter as to whether I could promte non-commissioned officers (of second lieutenant given to Sergt. Major James Monroe was given with the sanction of the Governor of Washington Territory, as are all the appointements in that regiment. He confirmed all the selections of Colonel Steinbeger; and now that the regiment organization is complete, and Colonel Steinberger has fuilfilled his original instructions from the War Department of the 18th of October, 1861, to raise a regiment, all the appointements are no doubt in future to be made by the Governor of the Territory, as in the case of the Governors of States. I understand your letter of the 4th ultimo to indicate a like conclusion, and I shall act upon it in reference to future vacancies in that regiment. Fourth. Since writing the above my clerk suggests that your letter of 4th of Febraury may be read to say that it is in replay to mine of the 23rd of January. I took it to read 13th of January. The "2" is very faintly written. Which is right?

I am, colonel, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Brigadier-General, U. S. Volunteers, Commanding District.

Fort Vancouver, Wash. Ter., March 13, 1863.


Headquarters Department of the Pacific, San Francisco, Cal.:

SIR: I have to report for the information of the general commanding the department that it seems probable now I shall deem it advisable to send the whole mounted force (spoken on in my programme of 10th of February) via Fort Lapwai to Fort Boise to get there before the 10th of May, when the Nez Perce council is to be held, and to remain there until about the end of May. The moral effecton on all those Indians would doubtless be good, and it is probalbe there will be on