Today in History:

524 Series I Volume L-II Serial 106 - Pacific Part II


Department was under the impression that I either had or was about to take possession, of the New Almaden Mine by a military force, whereas I was only furnishing the U. S. marshal with such military force as he might deem necessary to execute the orders of the President, dated May 8, 1863. The orders of the President authorized the marshal to call to his assistance the forces of the United States in California. The marshal called for a force, but before any decisive action was taken I was called upon by the Honorable F. F. Low, U. S. collector, and other gentlemen, who earnestly requested that the seizure of the mine should be deferred until further instructions could be received from Washington. Concurring with these gentlemen, I requested the marshal to suspend action in the matter. Mr. Low has already telegraphed to the Secretary of the Treasury on the subject, and the reply which was sent in cipher through me was addressed to Mr. Low and Mr. Swett, in which those gentlemen were requested to consult together on the subject. Although the Government disavows any intention of seizing or in any way interfering with the mining interests on this coast, further than taking possession of the Almaden Mines, yet designing politicians, inimical to the Government, will endeavor by every means in their power to create an impression in the public mind that the tenure of all the mining interests is at the mercy of the United States Government.

With great respect, I have the honor to be, your obedient servant,


Brigadier-General U. S. Army, commanding.

WASHINGTON CITY, July 15, 1863.

Honorable L. SWETT.

San Francisco, Cal.:

Many person are telegraphing me from California begging me, for the peace of the State to suspend the military enforcement of the writ of possession in the Almaden case, while you are the single one who urges the contrary. You know I would like to oblige you, but it seems to me my duty in this case is the other way.


Tucson, Ariz., Ter., July 15, 1863.

Brigadier General J. R. WEST, U. S. Volunteers,

Commanding District of Arizona, Hart's Mill, Tex. ;

GENERAL: I am aware of departing from custom in thus addressing you, but I do so with the utmost respect due a superior, and therefore respectfully ask indulgence for the liberty so taken. I would respectfully state for your information that the situation of affairs at this post is at present very embarrassing. The usual supplies for the post and district cannot be had from Fort Yuma. A train sent nearly six weeks ago is retained there without any prospect of a speedy return. The train supplies being withheld, and in consequence of the employes leaving it. The repairs necessary to this train cannot be made, mechanics having left the depot also. From the statement of rations reported on the semi-monthly field return it will be seen that there is no pork, bacon, or salt beef, and only eight beef-cattle (in very poor condition) on hand. The command has been supplied exclusively with fresh beef