Today in History:

552 Series I Volume L-II Serial 106 - Pacific Part II


you would give orders that no unneessary loss of human life should be caused in expeditions for Indians. Nineteen times out of twenty the innocent Indians suffer for the acts of the guilty, and equaly as often o the barbarous acts of the savage grow out of the equally inhuman acts of some bad white men.

I have the honor to be, your obedient servant,


Superintending Agent of Indian Affairs,

Northern District of California.

[Inclosure.] MENDOCINO INDIAN RESERVATION, Thursday, July 23, 1863.

Honorable G. M. HANSON,

Superintending Agent of indian Affairs,

northern District of California:

DEAR SIR: I acknowledge the receipt of to commuinicatins from you under date of the 13th instant, covering copies of communications of W. P. Dole, under date of june 1, 1863. I will give them due attention at the proper time. It is reported here that a house and its contents were burned by Indians on th eranch of Fred. Geltt, of Bear River, about a wwk ago. The house was locat4d several miles above Beall's Ranch, on the coast, and I understand from Captain W. E. Hull, commander at Fort Bragg, that he with a squad of soldiers will leave the fort on Monday or Tuesday next to go into the mountians to chastise the Indians for burning the house. The chaastisement intended you know is to kill any Indians they may see int he mountains, whether they are the guilty ones or not. There is no evidence even that Indians burnt the house at all. The men who lived at the house were absent at the time of the burning, and whether it was set fire by Indisns or bad white men is not knowm, but in all peobability a dozen Indians will have to pay the penalty for burning up a shanty, when I all probability it may have been the effect of carelessness of those who occupied it, or if it was burnt by Indians innocent ones are more likely to be shot than the guilty ones, for the guilty ones will be on the alert to evade their pursuers, while the inocent not knowing anything of th arson will not be suspecting any danger. It does seem that somethingshould be doneto put a stop to the indiscriminate massacre of Indians upon such flimsy pretexts. Order reigns here now and has for th past week among the Indians until last Monday night was made hideous here by the drunken soldies going to the Indian lodtes for the squaws, and it was impossible for us toduring the night on acount of the complaints of the Indians against the soldiers. Upon frequent complaints to Captain Hull, and he making post orders to keep the soldiers from the lodges, whi; ch were ineffectual, he finally placed a guard around the lodges, wand no white man ecept the doctor and myself are permitted to the camps, and now we have peace. The guard will be removed when the captain leaves for the Indian hunt I have spoken of above. I will probably be at San Francisco on the 11th of August next, and shall be pleased to consult with you about Indian affairs here and in reference to those int he mountains.

I have the honor to remain, veryrespectfully, your obedient servant,


Supervisor of Mendocino Reservation.