592 Series I Volume L-II Serial 106 - Pacific Part II
parties and returning to their old homes. Within the past week thirty- one have been captured near this place of those which were removed by Government less than a year ago. From the information at present in my possession there is but little difficulty int he Indians leaving that reservation at will. I have directed the officer commanding Cap Lincoln to report to these headuqarters what control he exercises over the reservation Indians, and it is my intention to have athorough investigation of the condition of Indian affairs in that vicinity. It is certain that the Indians sent to Smith's River Reservation must be ept there and allintercourse between them and those outside prevent3d, or the task of holding the latter in subjection will be veryrmaterially augmented. This can only be done by a mlitary force, the officers in command being held to a strit accoutnability fort he safe- keeping of all Indians placed uponthe reservation.
Veryrespectfully, your obedient servant,
Lieutenant C ol. First Battalion of Mountaineers, California Vols,
Commanding Humboldt Military District.
Fort Vancouver, Wah. Ter., August 26, 1863.Major General U. S . GRANT,
Commanding Army of the Mississippi, Vicksburg, Miss.:
GENERAL: I cannot resist the impulse to write you my most cordial and sincere congratulations on your brilliant successes. You may rest assured that many members of the old Fourth Infantry have witnessed with pride and satisfaction your gallant and signal record and the invaluable services you have had the opportunity to render to your ocuntry. You willpardon me if I reur to your service as second lieutenat under my command, and thus that I hould havet he weakness to claim some slight share in your early training. One thing is certain, you always in my society received a high professional stimulus. I ever cherished a high standard of what the Army should be. THe worthy ambition, the honest emulation of our gallant regiment always excited to deeds of noble edaring and unbounded devotion to our beloved country. I cannot refrai from expressing my admiration of your campaign south and southeast of Vicksburg. Your enterprise and perseverance throughout have been conspicous. I was about to write you after Fort Donelson, but I satisfied myself with messages to you per Captain Dent, who was then here. The sturdy, dogged perseverance with which you pushed your recent operations are elements of that military prowess which will ever characterize our armies. I cannot but recur to old Lang Syne in seeing your name and to add my feeble tribute to the vast wave of felicitations which pour in upon you. Go on, and "make war gaily," as Marshal Saxe says. God must proper a cause so just as ours and give permanent aned complete success and lasting union. The audacious hands which aimed a death blow at republican fredomand unity have already received asevere punishment. I was appointed a brigadier- geenral of volunteers 22nd of April, 1862, and accepted, fully expecting to go East, but was quite unexpectedly placed in command of this distrit, whihc I have commanded since Joly, 1862.
UI am, truly and faithfully,
Brigadier- General, U. S. Volunteers.