1026 Series I Volume L-II Serial 106 - Pacific Part II
Secretary of State is hereby authorized and required to draw his warrant in favor of the persons respectiively to whom such allowances shall be made by such board for the sums respectively allowed, to be paid out of the soldiers' bounty fund. All demands against such fund shall be presented to the board herein constituted through the adjutant-general's office, under such rules as may be prescribed by them, and no moneys shall be drawn out of the soldiers' bounty fund except as provided in this act.
SEC. 7. For the purpose of paying the bounties hereinbefore provided for, the sum of two hundred thousand dollars is hereby appropriated and set aside as hereinafter provided for, or so much thereof as may be needed shall be set apart by the treasurer of State, and constitute a separate fund, to be designated as the 'soldiers' bounty fund. " All liabilities created by this act shall be paid out of such fund, and the treasurer of State is hereby authorized and required to pay all warrants drawn upon the soldiers' bounty fund out of the moneys at any time in such fund, and none other.
SEC. 8. For the purpose of carryiing into effect the provisions of this act and providing for the fund created by section 7 thereof, the Secretary of State of Oregon shall, immediataely after the passage of this act, cause to be prepared bonds of the State to the amount of one hundred thousand dollars, in sums as hereiinafter provided for, redeemable at the offece of the treasurer of State on the fiirst day of July, 1884. The said bonds shall bear interest, payable semi-annually, at the rate of seven per cent. per annum from the date of their issue, which interest shall be due and payeble at the office of the treasurer of State on the first day of January and July of each year: Provided, That the first payment of interest shall not be made sooner than the first day of July, 1865. The said bonds shall be signed by the Governor, and countersigned by the Secretary, and indorsed by the treasurer of the State, and shall have the seal of State affixed thereto; and such bonds shall be iissued from time to time by order of the Governor as may be required by the provisions of this actt. The expense of preparing such bonds shall be paid out of the general fund of the State.
SEC. 9. Coupons for the interest shall be attached to each bond, consecutively numbered, and signed by the treasurer of State; and it shall be the duty of the Secretary and Treasurer of State each to keep a separate record of all such bonds as may be issued, showing the number, date, and amount of each bond, and to whom the same was issued.
SEC. 10. On production of certificate as prescribed in sections three and four and five of this act the Secretary of State is hereby authorized and required to draw his warrant for the amount of such bounties on the treasurer of the State; and the treasurer of the State is hereby authorized and required to issue on delivery to him of such warrant a bond of the amount due such claimant, payable to the recipient or order.
SEC. 11. For the payment of the principal and interest of the bonds issued under this act there shall be levied and collected annually until the final payment or redemption of the same, and in the same manner as other revenue is or may be directed by law to be levied and collected, upon all real and personal property taxable in this State, a tax of one mill on the dollar of valuation of such property in addition to the taxes for general State purposes, and the fund derived from this tax shall be set apart and applied to the payment accruing on the bonds herein proviided for and the final redemption of the principal of