Today in History:

1028 Series I Volume L-II Serial 106 - Pacific Part II


allowed them by the United States. All liabilities created by this act shall be paid out of said fund.

SEC. 2. There shall be paid out of the fund created and set apart by the first section of this act, to each and every commissioned officer and enlisted soldier of the companies of Oregon volunteers raised in this State for the service of the United States, to aid iin repelling invasion, suppressing insurrection, enforcing the laws, and preserving and protecting the public property, form the time of their enlistment to the time of their discharge, the sum of five dollars per month.

SEC. 3. No money shall be drawn out of the soldiers' relief fund herein provided for except as is provided for in section four of this act.

SEC. 4. The captains or commanding offecers of companies of Oregon volunteers shall, after each and every muster, file in the office of the adjutant-general of this State a complete muster-roll, duly certiified, of their companies from the date of their enlistment, noting desertions, discharges, and simissals, and stating the causes of such discharges and dismissals from the service. No non-commissioned officer or private shall be entitled to the benefit of this act who shall not obtain an honorable discharge from the service: Provided, however, That the monthly amount hereby appropraited may be drawn by such enlisted married men as have familes depending upon them for support, who shall have power to allot the whole or a portion of the same for the support of their families. The amount of pay tthus allotted shall be paid to the person to whom the same is legally allotted, upon the following certificate of the adjutant-general of this State (with the seal of office attached) being endorsed thereon, namely:

"I hereby certify that


is a


in Company---, Regiment


, Oregon Volunteers


, and that he is entiitled to the benefit of the act entitled 'An act for the relief of the commissioned officers and enlisted men of the Oregon volunteers in the United States,' approved October, 1864, and that allotment is made according to law. "

After the term of enlistment shall have been served, or an honorable diisscharge granted to any commissioned officer or enlisted man, a certified copy of this final statement shall be transmitted to the adjutant-general of this State, who shall certify on the back of the same the amount due under this act to the person discharged, and the Secretary of State shall draw his warrant upon tthe trreasurer of State for the amount so certified, payable out of the fund thereby created: Provided, That in case a volunteer be discharged for disability that existed at the time of his enlistment, he shall not be entitled to the benefit of this act.

SEC. 5. To enable all concerned dto avail themselves of the benefiits of this act, muster-out rolls of the respective companies of Oregon volunteers shall be duly filed in the adjutant-general's offfice of this State, and a certiified copy thereof filed in the office of the Secretary of State.

SEC. 6. For the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of this act, and providing for the fund created by section of this act, the Secretary of State of Oregon shall cause to be prepared bonds of the State to the amount of one hundred thousand dollars, in such sums as hereiinafter provided, redemable at the office of the trasurer of the State on the first day of July, 1875. The saiid bonds shall bear interrest, payable semii-annually, at the rate of seven per cent. per year from the date of their issue; which interest shall be due and payable at the office of