1231 Series I Volume L-II Serial 106 - Pacific Part II
camp, some six or seven miles distant, where we arrived all right and in good season. Upon assuming command of this camp I found it in as good condition as could possibly the expected under the circumstances. Captain Baird informed me that he found the buildigns, and in fact all the Government property, in the most dilapidated condiiton, a statement of which he wrote to you in full last fall upon assuming command of the post. What few repairs he made were actually necessary to prevent the buildings from going to ruin, and without expense to the Government. I find upon examination that the buildings, and more especially the men's quarters, require immediate repairs to make them tenantable, and are necessary to the health and comfort of the men. I hae also the honor to repor tthe state of the Indians on the Smith River Reservation in compliance with a request made by the colonel commanding the District of Humboldt. Two days after my arrival here I paid a visit in company with Captain Baird to Smith River Reservation, which is about six or sevn iles from this camp, and I was very much surprised at the extent and beautiful appearance of the reservation, which covers an area of some 1,100 acres of very fine farming land. There are about 450 acres under cultivation, 300 of which are swon with grain and 150 with a variety of vegetables. There are also several gardens and a fine orchard on the premises-in fact all that relates to a well-conducted farm is to be found there, and relfects great credit on the management of Mr. Bryson, the resident agent. There are from 700 to 800 Indians on the reservation, nearly all of whom seem to be perfectly satisfied, with the exception of some 200 of the Humboldt Indians, the greater number of whom escpaed some time since, but were recaptured by Lieutenant Mathewson through the prompt measures taken by Captain Baird upon receiving notice of their escape. With the above exception I am informed there has been no attempt measures taken by Captain Baird upon receiving notice of their escape. With the above exception I am informed there has been no attempt to escape for several years, and it is my opinion that hereafter there will be no more attempts made by Indians to leave the reservation, as the last lesson of that kind has taught them a wholesome dread of troops and the consequences of another trial.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Captain, Sixth Infantry California Volunteers, Commanding Camp.
WASHINGTON, D. C., May 14, 1865.
Honorable E. M. STANTON:
I take the liberty to ask of you some information in regard to that custom-hous block in San Francisco. I have been a tenant at will on the property for the last twelve years, and have always recognized the United States as the owner of the same, and have givne the U. S. officers all the information whereby to get possession of the same. I wish to know what instructions have been sent to General I. McDowell in regard to his taking possession of the property, and whether he has instructions to remove the buildings or not that are on the property, or only to take possession, so that the Government can receive the rents until such time as the Government shall require the land; and if he has instructions to remove the buildings I would ask it as a special favor if you would grant a stay of proceedings for the space of four or five months. An early answer is requested, so that I can communicate with Colonel Charles James, the collector of San Francisco.
Yours, truly,
(Address J. Stratman, 21 East Broadway, New York.)