23 Series I Volume XXVI-I Serial 41 - Port Hudson Part I
Clinton, June 3, 1863.
La Fourche, June 21, 1863.
Port Hudson: Invested, May 24, 1863; assaulted, May 27 and June 14, 1863; surrendered, July 7, 1863.
Cox's Plantation, July 13, 1863.
By command of Major-General Banks:
Assistant Adjutant-General.
No. 3. Synopsis of operations in the Department of New Mexico, May 16- December 28, 1863.GENERAL ORDERS,
Santa Fe, N. Mex., February 24, 1864.The following notices of combats with hostile Indian in New Mexico, and synopsis of Indian depredations, as well as operations generally against them, during the year 1863, are published for the information of all concerned.
Perhaps not over one scout in four which was made against the Indians during that period was at all successful, but no notice is made except of scouts which had results for or against us. This fact is stated to convey a better idea of the labor of the troops:*
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May 16.- On the night of the 15th the Navajoes stole from Jemz 6 head of horses.
May -. - Charles T. Hayden, citizen reports that the Indians attacked his train near the line of Chihuahua. They were defeated, with a loss of 11 killed, including the renowned Copinggan; 3 horses were captured in this fight.
May -.- Captain T. T. Tidball, Fifth Infantry, California Volunteers, with 25 of his company and a small party of citizens, attacked a rancheria in Cajoin de Arivaypa,killing over 50 Indians,wounding as many more, taking 10 prisoners, and capturing 60 head of stock, with the loss of only 1 man, Thomas McClelland. The party marched five days without lighting a fire,maintaining silence, hiding by day and traveling by night, over a country hitherto untrod by white men.
June -.- Major Joseph Smith, commanding Fort Stanton, reports that the Indians attacked the expressmen on the 21st of June, near the Gallinas, and compelled them to abandon their mules and express matter, and take to the mountains. The mules and express lost.
June 24.- Major Morrison reports an attack on Lieutenant Bargie and escort, on the Jornada, in which Lieutenant Bargie, while fighting gallantly, was killed. The conduct of Sergeants Pina and the two prisoners they had in charge, is highly praised.
June 26.- Major Morrison reports further in regard to the fight on the Jornada that Private Lucero, First New Mexico Volunteers, was killed.
June 20.- Captain A. H. Pfeiffer, wife, and 2 servants girls, with escort of 6 men of the First New Mexico Volunteers, were attacked by a
*For portion of order here omitted, see Series I, Vol. XV, pp.227-231.