Today in History:

63 Series II Volume I- Serial 114 - Prisoners of War


by the authority of the Secretary of War of the said Confederate States. I further declare I will not disclose or make known may information that I may have acquired to the injury of the Confederate States or the cause in which they are engaged. In consideration of the above parole I am to be free to go at large whenever I may see fit subject to recall within limits to be prescribed or revocation of parole, and report in person to the Secretary of War of the Confederate States of America.


Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army.

NEW YORK CITY, September 12, 1861.


Assistant Adjutant-General U. S. Army, Washington, D. C.

SIR: I left Dansville on the evening of the 9th instant to accompany my son the New Haven, Conn., where I have placed him at school, and on my return here on my way home I received a few minutes ago your communication of the 6th instant*, ordering me to report for duty at Scarsdale, West Chester County, New York. I inclose herewith a copy of my parole, supposing that the Adjutant-General may have forgotten its terms. It most positively forbids me from doing the duties to which I am ordered, and I do not see how it is possible to enter upon them or any other duties which will either directly or indirectly operate to the prejudice of the Confederate States or the rebel cause without a violation of my honor. I most earnestly hope that no such duties will be insisted upon. It would be bad indeed, under all the trying circumstances of my position, to add to them the necessity of breaking my parole or being driven from the service.

Your letter was delayed in reaching me, having been directed to Bath instead of Dansville. I shall leave here in the morning for the latter place, where I shall hope to hear from you as soon as practicable. I trust the inclosed will have the most liberal construction, and that the order within referred to will not be insisted on.

I am, sir, yours, very respectfully,


Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel, U. S. Army.


SAN ANTONIO, TEX., May 31, 1861.

I pledge my word of honor as an officer and a gentlemen that I will not bear arms against the Confederate States of America, nor exercise any of the functions of my office under my commission from the President of the United States against the said Confederate States during the existence of the war pending between the two countries unless I am exchanged for other prisoners of war, or unless I am relieved from this parole, or released by the authority of the President of the Confederate States. In consideration of which parole it is understood that I am to be free to go and come whenever I may see fit.


Bvt. Lieutenant-Colonel, U. S. Army, and Captain, Eighth Infantry.


* Omitted.
