741 Series II Volume I- Serial 114 - Prisoners of War
FORT WARREN, February 25, 1862.
Honorable EDWIN M. STANTON, Secretary of War.
SIR: I have read your order of the 14th instant and therefore address you this letter.
In the fall of 1859 I was elected a member of the house of delegates of Maryland (my native State) from Frederick County, to serve for two years.
In consequence of the difficulties growing out of the election of President of the United States and the subsequent action of some of the Southern States a special meeting of the Legislature of Maryland to be held in April, 1861, was called by the governor and I attended as a member from my county.
The journal of thehouse will show my whole action there. I favored peace measures and I voted against a proposition for secession by the Legislature. I thought the Legislature had no authority to pass such an act. I have never to my knowledge done anything against the Constitution and laws of the country.
I was arrested in September last without any charge being made against me. I have been imprisoned ever since and I do not yet know what is charged against me. Under these circumstances I think I have a right to ask an unconditional release that I may return to my family and my far in Frederick County. I confidently refer to the member of Congress from my district-Honorable Francis Thomas-for my character.
I am, yours, respectfully,
ROUSE'S POINT, March 6, 1862.
Honorable E. M. STANTON, Secretary of War.
DEAR SIR: I inclose a letter* from "C. M.," but in truth from John C. Brune, a rebel member of the Maryland Legislature, and since he has been in Montreal has shown himself as unscrupulous in his secessionism as any there. If it be a fact as he represents that the order for his arrest has been recalled I am confident misrepresentations have been made to the Department. For knowing as much as I do of him I am certain his entire sympathies are with the rebels.
Most respectfully, your obedient servant,
P. S. -I think Mr. Underwood has some evidence of his disloyalty.
March 12, 1862.
General DIX.
DEAR SIR: It is said that General Washington listened to the suggestions of his subalterns; that Doctor Rush inquired into the opinions of the nurses before forming opinions. I therefore hope you will
*Not found.