Today in History:

73 Series II Volume II- Serial 115 - Prisoners of War


before I could get a pass), and also letter from Senator Carlile with my other papers, now in the office of Commisioner of Public Buildings.

A. D. C.

DEPARTMENT OF STATE, Washington, September 20, 1861.

JOHN C. MILLER, Chicago, Ill:

Be on the lookout for Mansfield Lovell, formelly of the U. S. Army, aged about forty. If found, arrest and send him to Fort Lafayette, N. Y.


(Same to William H. Barse, Detroid, Mich, and Hollis White, Niagara Falls, N. Y.)

HARLEM, N. Y., September 21, 1861.


President of the United States of America.

DEAR SIR: Yesterday, September 20, at 10 a. m., my brother, by occupation a news agent on the Naugatuck Railroad cars, was arrested by U. S. Marshal [David h.] Carr., of New Haven, at the Bridgeport Railway station, and is now incarcerated in Fort Lafayette. The ostensible cause of this arrest was the cahrge of having sold copies of the New York Daily News, and if I am rightly informed using disrespectful language toward the Government.

The prisoner is a brother of mine, but this shall not prevent me from stating the facts of the case, though a thousland brothers were at stake. Briefly then he is a young man twenty-five years of age; has been a cripple from his youth with a spinal deformity, and is the sole help of his poor mother who is in the deepest sorrow. At intervals he has sold copies of the News aforesaid mainly at the instigation of William D. Bishop, esq., a Congressman, who is president of the railway over which he runs, not whishing to incur his displeasure, fearing the road might be let out to anther party. Furthemore when arrested the publicaton of the Daily News had been stopped for six days. As to the language imputed to him it was said in the heat of passion to people who advised him to stop selling the News, because he regarded it as none of their business. He is a strong Union man, and has said he would spend his last cent to put this wicked rebellion down. About four months ago he said to me: "I did not vote for this administration, but if Lincoln runs in 1864 he will get my vote. " He used imprudent language-language that in calmer moments he would not indorse, but yet used under the provication already named, where people as he through impertinently interfered with his business.

I am myself a member of the Twelfth War Republican Association; also a local preacher in the Menthodist Episcopal Church. Did time admit I would make my affidavit to the above before a magistrate. I supported you among other reasons for the subriquet you bore of "Honest Old Abe," and cannot doubt that in the present instance you will interpose for the protection of a smowhat imprudent but yet warmhearted boy. Would it be asking too much to request you to apprise me of your decision at your earliest convenience? My brother's name is George A. Hubell.

I remain, faitfully, yours,