Today in History:

222 Series II Volume II- Serial 115 - Prisoners of War


was necessarily attended by great confusion and perplexity of the public mind. Disloyalty before unsuspected suddenly became bold, and treason astonished the world by bringing at once into the field military forces superior in number to the standing Army of the United States.

Every department of the Government was paralyzed by treason. Defection appeared in the Senate, in the House of Representatives, in the Cabinet, in the Federal courts; ministers and consuls returned from foreign countries to enter the insurrectionary councils or land or naval forces; commanding and other officers of the Army and in the Navy betrayed our councils or deserted their posts for commands in the insurgent forces. Treason was flagrant in the revenue and in the post-office service as well as in the Territorial governments and in the Indian reserves.

Not only governors, judges, legislators and ministerial officers in the States but even whole States rushed one after another with apparent unanimity into rebellion. The capital was besieged and its connection with all the States cut off.

Even in the portions of the country which were most loyal political combinations and secret societies were formed furthering the work of disunion, while from motives of disloyalty or cupidity or from excited passions or perverted sympathies individuals were found furnishing men, money and materials of war and supplies to the insurgent's military and naval forces. Armies, ships, fortifications, navy-yards, arsenals, military posts and garrisons one after another were betrayed or abandoned to the insurgents.

Congress had not anticipated and so had not provided for the emergency. The municipal authorities were powerless and inactive. The judicial machinery seemed as if it had been deigned not to sustain the Government but to embarrass and betray it.

Foreign intervention openly invited and industriously instigated by the abettors of the insurrection became imminent and has only been prevented by the practice of strict and impartial justice with the most perfect moderation in our intercourse with nations.

The public mind was alarmed and apprehensive though fortunately not distracted or disheartened. It seemed to be doubtful whether the Federal Government which one year before had been thought a model worthy of universal acceptance had indeed the ability to defend and maintain itself.

Some reverses which perhaps were unavoidable, suffered by newly levied and inefficient forces, discourage the loyal and gave new hopes to the insurgents. Voluntary enlistments seemed about to cease and desertions commenced. Parties speculated upon the question whether conscription had not become necessary to fill up the armies of the United States.

In this emergency the President felt it his duty to employ with energy the extraordinary powers which the Constitution confiders to him in cases of insurrection. He called into the field such military and naval forces unauthorized by the existing laws as seemed necessary. He directed measures to prevent the use of the post-office for treasonable correspondence. He subjected passengers to and from foreign countries to new passport regulations and he instituted a blockade, suspended the writ of habeas corpus in various places and caused persons who were represented to him as being or about to engage in disloyal and treasonable practices to be arrested by special civil as well as military agencies and detained in military custody when necessary to prevent them and deter others from such practices. Examinations