253 Series II Volume II- Serial 115 - Prisoners of War
Indeed should she not be sent whether she wishes to go or not? Should we retain within our limits the families of those who are in arms against the Government? Should they not be sent into the insurgent States to share the privations, the social disquietude and the desolation they have brought and are bringing upon themselves? I believe their presence there in the midst of all this social derangement would be a much more effectual cure for secessionism than a residence among us where no such disturbance exists.
I am, respectfully, your obedient servant,
FORT HAMILTON, N. Y., March 5, 1862.
Honorable W. H. SEWARD:
A writ was sent here from New York this morning, for the person of Arthur Brown,* a state prisoner confined in Fort Lafayette. I refused to let him go without your order. The person who served the writ stated that the said Arthur Brown was a witness in a law suit but his testimony was not material, and he would not probably be wanted. In case he should be shall I allow to go?
Lieutenant-Colonel, Commanding.
DEPARTMENT OF STATE, Washington, March 6, 1862.
Lieutenant Colonel MARTIN BURKE,
Fort Lafayette, New York Harbor:
Send me a description of the character of the writ and the names of the attorneys and judge by whom issued.
Assistant Secretary.
WASHINGTON, March 6, 1862.
Honorable WILLIAM H. SEWARD, &c.
SIR: Her Majesty's Government have considered with attention the correspondence which I had the honor to hold with you in the months of October, November and December last concerning the treatment experienced by the crews of two British schooners, Revere and Louisa Agnes, which had been captured on the charge of breach of blockade. Her Majesty's Government cannot but regard the putting of seamen belonging to these vessels in irons under the circumstances in which and for the period for which this was avowedly done as wholly unjustifiable. I am, however, instructed to express to you the satisfaction with which Her Majesty's Government have seen that upon the matters being brought by me to your notice you informed me that an instruction would be addressed by the Secretary of the Navy to the flag officers of the blockading squadrons to use irons only when and so long as necessary, and in all cases to pursue the utmost kindness consistent with the safety of captures and prizes toward seamen captured in attempting to break the blockade.
*See case of Arthur Brown, p. 1345.