440 Series II Volume II- Serial 115 - Prisoners of War
the matter of the schooner Adelso, but on the 17th of Augst instant I made before a commission the only deposition I could make; b ut now an accusation of treason is alleged against me. I am not naturalized. I have never taken any oath. I am not traveling in the territory of the United States. I am arbitrary arrested on an English vessel bound to an English province accidentally driven into American waters by stress of weather at sea. M. Vice-Consul of france, this statement must have given you an idea of the arbitrary and unworthy manner in which I have been treated.
I have no need, M. Consul, to expose the consequence of these acts; you will readily infer them. In claiming your protection and that of our minister at Washington I declare positively and in the most solemn manner that I have never directly or indirectly taken any part in plitics or in this actual war either at the South or at the North. My voyage is purely and entirely commenrcial. My detention wxposes my house to I mmnse losses and deprives my numerous family of their only support, besides which the assertion of the national honor and dignity give me the greatst confidence in the measures you will take. I have the honor to be, M. Consul, with respect, your very humble, obedient servant,
P. S. -Mr. Lovell, of Newport, informed me that there was on board the Adelso a traveler from Wilmington, came along shore to see this voyager and seek to be of use to him. It is he who informead our consul at Providence of my detention. Returning along shore next day with Mr. Nottoway to give me a mark of their interest they were sent away, and have declared to me that they were forbidden to communicate with me. It is my express desire that the contents of thisletter or any part of it will not be put in such situation as to be published in any newspaper.
L. DE B.
DEPARTMENT OF STATE, Washington, August 23, 1861.
U. S. Marshal for the Southern District of New York:
This Departmenthas been informed by Mr. Sanford, the marshal for Rhode Island, that he had lodged withyour that trunks of louis de Bebian, who is confined as a political prisoner at Fort Lafayette. You will send to this Departmentany letters or documents which may havebeen found it them.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
DEPARTMENT OF STATE, Washington, August 24, 1861.
Superintendent of Police, New York.
SIR: This Department telegraphed to yo* a day or two since to send a suitable person to Fort Lafayette for the purpose of ascertaining whether L. de Bebian there confied as a plitical prisoner is a French subject or a naturalized citizen of the United States. No intelligence on the subject having since been received from you+ it is apprehended
*Not found.
+But see Kennedy's telegram to Seward, August 22, p. 438.