488 Series II Volume II- Serial 115 - Prisoners of War
in the battle at Bull Run I know to be untrue. Since his arrest I have been in New York and can learn of no act of his that should brand him with treason or treachery. My brother having no friends at court appeals to me for that assistance which he has a right to demand. While I am not in sympathy with treason and traitors I am also confident that his release would work no injury to our casue but only serve the ends of justice and humanity. I therefore earnestly solicit his freedom.
I am, sir, your friend and obedient servant,
NEWAYGO, MICH., November 30, 1861.
Honorable WILLIAM H. SEWARD, Secretary of State.
DEAR SIR: From my ling and intimate acquaintance with Mr. James Henderson and Mr. Julius Henderson, of Weedsport, merchants, I take pleasure n saying that implicit confidence can be placed in any statement they or riethre of them may of any matter within their personal knowlege, and that their loyalty and desire to see rebellion suppressed is beyond suspicion.
From my limited but agreeable acquaintance with their brother-in-law, Mr. Charles Kopperl, I deeply sympathize with them and him in his unfortunate position as a prisoner of state at Fort Warren, Boston, and earnestly desire that it may be found consistent to release him from confinement upon his taking the oath of fealty to the Government. I am knowing to his having an adopted daughter at or near New York, sadly afflicted, that should cause him to come there, In August last I saw papers sent by him from richmodn giving information to his brothers-in-law of affairs their when he was on his way North from Mississippi. Beyond this and the loss of his wife about a year since while on a visit to her relatives (father and sisters) in Weedsport I have no personal knowledge of any thing bearing on his case, unless in that when excited by drinking as sometimes occurs he is voluble and boastful.
Commending an application for his release to favorable consideration,
I have the honor to remain, faithfully, your obedient servant,
FORT WARREN, MASS., January 18, 1862.
Honorable W. H. SEWARD, Secretary of State.
SIR: I beg leave to sstate that I have been a prisoner ever since the 17th of August, 1861 (now over five months), without having violated any law of the United States or of the State of New York, where I was arrested. My brother-in-law, Mr. James Henderson, of Weedsport, N. Y., also Mr. Cornwell, wrote you in my behalf some two months ago without apparent result. So many prisoners resident sof Southern States have been released on their parole that I knowing my innocence daily anticipated my own release. I would therefore respectfully beg to call your attention to my case believing that it would result in my enlargement.
If you cannot grant this unconditionally I would give my parole for forty-five days for the purpose of visiting the Confederate States and endeavor to effect an exchange for some one Federal prisoner held there, and if unsuccessful to return. I have never held erther or