567 Series II Volume II- Serial 115 - Prisoners of War
to me; that at about 10. 30 o'clock on the night od said 23rd of August the aforesaid W. J. Walker in company with another person named F. Rennehan came to the house of Mrs. Greenhow and were at once admitted by the man stationed in the hall for that purpose, where they were detained until my arrival at the house, when they were taken before the provost-marshal and there examined in presence of the Honorable Thomas A. Scott, Assistant Secretary of War; that they there represented themselves to have been making a friendly call on Mrs. Greenhow when they were arrested; that they were asked what their business was with Mrs. Greenhow and that their answers were evasive, indetinite and contradictory; that after a full examintaion it was the advice of Mr. Secretary Scott that both Walker and Rennehan should be held and they were accodingly sent to prison by order of Brigadier-General Porter, provost-marshal.
I beg laeve to say in further continuation of this report that in order to the better understanding of the case it seems to me proper to review as briefly as I can some of the many facts connected with the character, practices and arrest of the said Mrs. Greenhow, in connection with whom and with which the said Walker stands connected. It was a fact too notorious to need reciting here that for months before her arrest Mrs. Greenhow was actively and to a great extent openly engaged in giving aid and comfort, sympathy and information to the enemies of the Government; that although she was living in the capital of the United States and under its government protection her house was the rendezvous for the most violent enemies of the Government, not a few of whom were rebels in arms its authority and who were using every menas in their power to accomplish its overthrow; that the house of Mrs. Greenhow was a sort of focal center where treason found a resting place and where traitors were supplied with every needed care and where they were furnished with every possible information to be obtained by the untiring energies of this very remarkable woman; that for a great number of years Mrs. Greenhow has been the instrument of the very men who now lead in the rebel concuils and some of those who command their armies; who have successfully used her as a willing instrument in plotting the overthrow of the United States Government and which she no less than they had desired to accomplish; that since the commencement of this rebellion this woman from her long residence at the capital, her superior eduacation, her uncommon social powers, her very extensive acquaintance among and her active association with the leading politicians of this nation has possessed an almost superhuman power, all of which she has most wickedly used to destroy the Government.
With her as with other traitors she has been most unscrupulous in the use of means. Nothing has been too sacred for her appropriation as so by its pe to accomplish her treasonable ends. She has made use of whoever and whatever she could as mediums to carry into effect her unholy pruposes. She has used her almost irresistable seductive powers to win to their aid persons who were holding responsible places of honor and of profit under the Government so that she might through them obtain information only known to the employes and agenst of the Government and thus aid the rebels to organize and for so long a time to maintain such a powerful resistance to its authority. She has not used her powers in vain among the officers of the Army, not a few of whom she has robbed of patriotic hearts and transformed them into sympahtizers with the enemies of the country which