Today in History:

569 Series II Volume II- Serial 115 - Prisoners of War


who had her in charge and whom supposed she had bribed be that purpose, but who faithufl to his trust laid her communications before yourself.

At her house under the circumstances herofore detailed, at an hour approaching to midnight, for no purpose which he was able to exaplain, in company with a man (Rennehan) who though confined since the 23rd of August last in the same room with Walker and who has been residing in Washington for many years has as yet not even attempted to prove his loyalty, Walker had called as heretofore recited and was taken into custody. I need hardly recite his course and appearance at the examination at the officer of the provost-marshal, and how that appearance and action impressed Mr. Secretary Scott as well as myself with the belief that Walker was not only not loyal but that his purpose at Mrs. Greenhow's at that hour of night was beyond even a negative disloyalty. Since that time I have seen nothing to change my opinion.

In conculstion permit me to say that the statements referred to in the communication aforesaid from the State Department have been examined by me, and they are or many of them from distinguished men-men whose statements are entitled to weight*. But I submit that they are all general in their character and do not specifically show that Walker is a loyal man. It is melancholy fact that hunders of men who before this rebellion were above reproach, who were oranments in society and high perhaps in public station, are now acting the traitor's part and in his our hour of need are joining hands to strike down the best Government in and the hope of the world.

No one can regret the existence of such a state of facts more than myself, nor the reasons which impel me to conclude that under the circumstances it is safer and wiser to hold both these men until the Government has once more established itself on such a basis as that not only them but even Mrs. Greenhow herself may be permitted to go at large with no fear of consequence. It seems to me that this is a time when if ever the line of demarction between loyalty and disloyalty should be so clearly marked as to admit of very little doubt. I sympahtize with any and every person who is deprived of liberty, but it is far better that a few should suffer than that the lives of our best men and bravest soldiers should be sacrificed, or what is worse the country suffer betrayal by men who in all things else bear a good and valuable character.

If Rennehan is a loyal man why has he not undertaken the proff? My inference is he cannot. I believe that both he and Walker went to Mrs. Greenhow's that night for the purpose of receiving and carrying information to the enemy, and that as a military necessity they ought not to be discharged.

All of which is respectfully submitted.

Your obedient servant,


DEPARTMENT OF STATE, Washington, November 19, 1861.

Brigadier General ANDREW PORTER, Provost-Marshal, Washington.

SIR: Let William J. Walke, a prisoner confined in this city, be released on taking the oath of allegiance to the Government of the United States stipulating that he will neither leave the city of Washington nor enter any of the States in insurrection against the authority


* It is probable some of the letters filed in Walker's favor are missing.
