599 Series II Volume II- Serial 115 - Prisoners of War
this city volunatrily as I understand from him, though it is true his resignation weas required as a condition of his discharge from Fort Lafeyette; second, it is presumed that he resigned on the 14th day of last month, the date of his oath allegiance, which with the letter of resignation was transmitted to this Department in a lettr of that date from Colonel Burke at Frot Hamilton, N. Y., and received here on the 17th of September; third, Mr. Berret was also it is presumed released form arrest on the 14th of September.
Mr. Berret subsequently came to this city and called upon me at which time he confirmed the fact that his resignation and oath had been cheerfully made as an act of loyalty to the Government.
I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Case of Robert Tansil, Captain of Marines.
The Department learned of this person's arrest and detention from himself. His statement shows that the was a captain of marines and arrived at Boston from a foreign curise in the U. S. frigate Congress on the 23rd dayt of August, 1861, and forthwith forwarded his resignation to the Navy Department rather than join in an unnatural was gainst his blood relations, kindred and friends. His name was stricken from the rolls, and the 27th of August he was arrested by the order of the Secretary of the Navy and confined in Fort Lafayette. The Secretary of the Navy under date of October 10, 1861, says*:
On the 26th of November, 1861, Tansill addressed a communication to the Department of State in which he says: "I am unaterably opposed to your political principles and war policy and I would prefer to suffer a thousand deaths rather than raise my hand against the sovereignty or idependence of any State of our once happy country". And also, "I can never consent to receive my lilberty upon terms or conditions inconsistent with what I believe to be my obligations and duties as a citizens of my native State, Virginia". Robs appeares by his own voluntary and ostentatious avowals a disloyal man. The said Tansil having been transferred to Fort Warren remained in custody there February 15, 1862, when in conformity with the order of the War Department of the proceding day he was transferred to the charge of that Department. -From Record Book, State Department, "Arrests for Disloyalty".
DEPARTMENT OF STATE, Washington, October 7, 1861.
Honorable GIDEON WELLES, Secretary of the Navy.
SIR: I have the honor to send you herewith the inclosed communication from Robert Tansill, a prisoner in the custody of Colonel Burke, at Fort Lafayette, addressed to the President, and submitted to you to decide whether it is proper to be transmitted to His Excellency.
I have the honor to be, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
* Omitted here; see p. 600.