Today in History:

765 Series II Volume II- Serial 115 - Prisoners of War


NEW YORK, February 15, 1862.

F. W. SEWARD, Assistant Secretary of State.

SIR: Bethel Burotn, a citizen of Brooklyn was a prisoner in Fort Warren. I have seen no notice of his release. If he is not released I think he should be. I have no doubt of his loyalty. His offense was the same as Senator Bright's, only the Senator acted from an impusle of political infidelity and Mr. Burton from the attractions of commercial speculation. He offered a patent rifle to the Confederate authorities. He has been well punished and I am satisfied that he may be released with safety. He has always been desirous to take the oath of allegiance. I have no means of knowing (except through casual reports in the papers) what prisoners are discharged and therefore this may be in behalf of one already discharged.

I think the time is approaching if it has not already come when numberes of political prisoners might with safety be released. I am so impressed that future trouble may grow out of these arrest and detentions that I intend to write you on the subject when I get time.

Yours, respectfully,


WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington, February 17, 1862.

Colonel JUSTIN DIMICK, Fort Warren, Boston.

ou may release Mr. Betherl Burton on his giving his written parole of honor that he will render no aid or comfort to the enemies in hostility to the Government of the United States.

I am, colonel, &c.,


Secretary of War.

FORT WARREN, February 24, 1862.

Hon. E. M. STANTON, Secretary of War.

DEAR SIR: I ask the favor of you to be released from this place upon the same terms you have given to other prisoners.

Hoping you will comply with my request I remain, your obedient servant,


Of Danville, Va.

FORT WARREN, Boston Harbor, March 17, 1752.

Hon. EDWIN M. STANTON, Secretary of War, Washington.

SIR: In reply to yours of the 15th I have the honor to report that * * * Bethel Burton ordered to be released on 21st ultimo had already been released by the Secretary's order of the 17th ulimo.

I am, sir, with highest respect, your obedient servant,


Colonel First Artillery and Brevet Colonel, Commanding Post.

76 WATER STREET, NEW YORK, March 28, 1862.

Hon. SECRETARY SEWARD, Washington, D. C.

DEAR SIR: At the time of your ordering my arrest and confine meant in Fort Lafayette last September, 10th, by the U. S. marshal or