Today in History:

822 Series II Volume II- Serial 115 - Prisoners of War


or even there weeks. I will give my word of honor toreturn hrere or anywhere you may appoint at the expiration of the time, a ndif you won't take my word I will give a bond in a sufficnient penalty to satisfy you that I ask this respite ingood faith. If I had been allowed to converse with my wife when I was arrested I could have reconciled her to my fate, and Ithink I can yet do so if I am allowed to see her in time.

I also ask this respite in behalf of an infant of whom I am the guardian. Since my imprisonment a suit has been brought inLouisville concerning this guardianship, and as I am now financially ruined this infant must lose heavily if I am nattend to the case. While I ask no respite for the purpose of attending to my own financial affairs no matter how bad they are I do ask it for the protection of this infanti who wqas left to my care by the will of his father.

I have now, my dear sir, said about all that I can say within the limits of a letter, and possibly I have said too much for my own good. I therfore leave my case with you hoping that you will find time to act upon it at once, so that if I am so fortunate as to get outside of these walls it may not be whenit is too late to do the good which I could now most surely accomplish if I were at home.

I am, dear sir, uours, &c.,


DEPARTMENT OF STATE, Washington, December 5, 1861.

Colonel JUSTIN DIICK, Fort Warren, BOston.

SIR: Let R. T. Durett, a prisoner confined in Fort Warren, be rleased on taking the oath of allegiance to the GOvernment of the United States stipulating that he will neither enter any of the States ininsurrection against the authority of the Unted States Government nor hold any correspondence whatever with persons residing in those States without permission from the Secretary of State; and also that he will not do anything hostile to the United Sttes during the present insurrection. You will please make the stipultins a part of the oath. I transmit this order to John S. Keyes, esq., U. S . marshal, who has been instructed by this Department to cause a police examination to be made in some cases of the persons and baggage of prisoners discharged from custody to the end that no correspondence or other improper papers be conveyed by them to persons outside the fort.

I a, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


I, R. T. Durrett, of Kentucky, do solemnly swear that I will support, protect and defnd the Constitution and GOvernment of the Untied States against all enemies whether domestic or foreign, and that I will bear true faith, allegiance and loyalty to the same any ordiannce, resolution or law of any State con vention or legisslature to the contrary notwithstanding; and further that I do this with a full detemanation, pledge andpurpose without any mental reservation or evasion what- soever; and further that I will well and fi\aithfully perform all the duties which may be required of me by law, hoereby stipulaitng that I will neither enter any of the States in insurrection against the authority of the United States Government nor hold any correspondence whatever