840 Series II Volume II- Serial 115 - Prisoners of War
would tempt me, an introductionor credentials from Mr. Haig being what Iwanted. He said Mr. Haig had been telegraphically called to Baltimore but his friend Mr. Wyatt could assure me he was his messenger. I walked with him to Mr. Wyatt's office and he assured me that Mr. Nunson was all right and we came away after arranging that such goods as I bought syould be forwarded toMr. Wyatt's store and address. He then wanted me to go right ahead and buy goods which I was willing to do on receipt of the money. He said he would give me $6,200 at 4 p. m., but finally agreed togive me $25,000 at 11 a. m. so that I could go to Hrtfort that day, and left me about 10. 30 a. m.
I immediately reported myself at U. S . marshal's office, who the day previous was at W ashington and at whose dwelling I had called early in the morning, to inform him of all these circumstances and then told him all that hadhis man Munson claimed to have $200,000 at Adams Express and was to give me $25,000, seeking his instrictuions whether I should spend the money ornot, and in his office after some little humbugging he arrested me. I shall complain of nothing since as that is the act causing all the rest.
The whole of this being necessarily a secret business these facts cannot be proved in detail but they can be circumstantially substantiated by Robert Wade and William W. night, of Philadelphia; also E. Clinton, L. A. Kettle and my wife, same place; by ev. George Collins, chaplain to Baxter''s Fire Zouaves; by Captain Williams, aide to General McClellan, and Mr. . Nicolay, President's private secretary, a ll inWashington. The substance of the above I have written to Mr. Seward.
Allow me to add apologetically- first, that my wife and children are Americans and that I deemed it a privilege to do their Government a service whichI believed I had the opportuity and qualificationf or; second, that my object was not mercenary. Marshal Millward and Mr. Franklin both suggested to me that as an incvormer I was entitled to half the property and so did Captain Williams. To each I distinctly said that I would rather be in employ of the United States which would prevent thisl, and said I did nto do this for money. Furthermore I am the mozst pained at the arrest of Mr. Haig and Mr. Wyatt, having the appearance of being brought about by my treachery, which was the farthest from my thoughts andintentions. The officers in Philadelphia did not scruple to insinuate this to these men. I could explain all these tghings to you better if you could call on me.
I am very sorry to troule you with such a long letter and repeat that I would be much obliged if you would allow Mr. Duane to read this and also Captain Brainerard, habor master of New York, who is an uncle of my wife an whose good opinion I would like to have.
Again apologizing for this long communication and begging youwill assist me, I remain, sir, yuours, very respectfully,
FORT LAFAYETTE, Octobver 8, 1861.
Honorable W. H. SEWARD, Secretary of State:
We hereby solemnly promise to sustain the Govenrmet of the United States to the utmost of our ability in the present struggle; and further that we will nothave any association or intercourse whatever with the enemies of said Government.