889 Series II Volume II- Serial 115 - Prisoners of War
and A. McDowell has been received. Will you have the kindness to inform me in whose custody they are held?
I have the honor to be, general, your obedient servant,
FORT LAFAYETTE, October 13, 1861.
Honorable W. H. SEWARD, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.
DEAR SIR: I have been lodged in this fort and beg to address you in reference to my release. I was arrested by the Home Guard below Lebanon, Ky., on the 18th of September; was conveyed to Louisville. There I employed a counsel and my trial was appointed for 2nd of October. Early in the morning of that day before day I was removed to Indiana and from there sent here without being allowed my trial or an interview with my counsel, George A. Caldwell, esq. When arrested I was on my way to work with farmer V. T. Smith, of Dripping Spring, as per agreement with him. I have never carried arms in any cause, being afflicted with white swelling for seven years past and now suffering with it, but least of all would I carry arms against the United States as I am and always have been a Union man and have voted the Union ticket at last election and always would. I have a mother and two sisters depending on me for their support and I beg that you will release me so that I may do so, and I am willing to give all the assurances I can to the Government that it may require. An answer to this would be a great favor.
Very respectfully,
FORT LAFAYETTE, October 13, 1861.
Honorable W. H. SEWARD.
DEAR SIR: I was arrested by the Home Guard of Kentucky 24th of September on my way to my home, from which I was but a short distance, and taken to Louisville via Camp Dick Robinson. At Louisville I engaged as counsel George A. Caldwell, esq., and my trial was appointed for 2nd of October but before daylight on that day I was taken to Indianapolis and sent here. I was and am willing to give security for any charge that may be brought against me. I reside in Madison, Ky., and have a family depending on me. I have never carried arms and am unable, my right arm being useless. I was fifty-one years of age last January and am physically unable to endure this imprisonment and hard fare. I am a Union man and will be glad of an opportunity to take the oath.
Hoping that you will kindly and quickly order my return home, I remain, yours, respectfully,
DEPARTMENT OF STATE, Washington, October 18, 1861.
Honorable JOSEPH HOLT, Washington.
MY DEAR SIR: Will you do me the favor to call at the State Department to-day? I wish to make some inquiries respecting the cases of Grubbs and Robards.
Very truly, yours,