935 Series II Volume II- Serial 115 - Prisoners of War
contrained to report adverse to Captain Berry. But if the suggested consideration of public policy may be taken into account, then for the reasons stated I should report in favor of setting Captrain Berry at liberty.
I am, very respectfully, yours,
Chief Clerk.
I herewith return the letter of Messrs. Beebe, Dean & Donohue.
PARKER HOUSE, BOSTON, MASS., November 14, 1861.
F. W. SEWARD, Assistant Secretary of State, Washington.
SIR: I have to-day made my first visit to Fort Warren. * * * I am engaged in ascertaining who among the political prisoners are clearly not cases to be set at liberty. By to-morrow I expect to complete that list, which will narrow the field of inquiry. From among the balance I shall then try to find out those who clearly ought to be set at liberty. I think in some cases and I fear in many I may be compelled to ask you for such papers as you may have on file, but of that hereafter.
I see that Michael Berry is yet a prisoner. I am glad of it. I fear my conclusion forwarded you in his case was erroneous. Hope he will not be dismissed on the strength of it but held for further consideraiton. He is more of a man and therefore more dangerous than I thought.
I am, very respectfully, yours,
413 BROOME STREET, NEW YORK, November 23, 1861.
F. W. SEWARD, Assistant Secretary of State.
DEARSIR: Since writing you a note from Boston in relation to Captain Michael Berry I have had further interview with the captain and have come to the conclusion that he may as well remain where he is. I inclose* herewith in Captain Berry's handwriting his conditions. His property is wholly real estate. The assurance that the United States will guarantee his title against confiscation with 500,000 bayonets makes no impression upon the captain.
I think from certain things said in our interview that he has it in his mind to go to England and take ventures in running the blockade. His knowledge of the coast navigation and the wants of the people South would make him troublesome perhaps.
I am, very respectfully,
FORT WARREN, December 3, 1861.
Honorable WILLIAM H. SEWARD, Secretary of State.
SIR: It is painful to me now getting to be an old man bordering upon sixty years of age and always a peaceable, law-abiding citizen to address one of the high officers of the United States from the walls of a prison, and I assure you, sir, that this pain is inno degree mitigated by the reflection that it is by the order of that high officer that
* Not found.