Today in History:

1037 Series II Volume II- Serial 115 - Prisoners of War


Third. That in any case a permission may be given to Mr. George B. Blake, of Boston, to visit Mr. Low at Fort Warren. Mr. Blake is well known to me as a loyal and wholly reliable man.


DEPARTMENT OF STATE, Washington, January 6, 1862.

Right Honorable Lord LYONS, &c.

MY LORD: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 16th of November last inclosing the copy of a letter from Mr. Charles Green, an alleged British subject, imprisoned in Fort Warren, relative to a certain letter containing valuabel papers taken from him, and to the arrest of his sister Mrs. John Low, and asking for information concerning these two arrests.

No time was lost in issuing an order fro the relase of Mrs. Low,* and I was undere the impression thaereupon you had been advised of that fact and that the Department had also communicated to you the papers referred to by Mr. Green. In this, however, I was mistaken. It would seem that by some accident the papers got mislaid. Regratting the circumstance I now hasten to repair the omission by transmiting them to you.

I avail myself of this opportunity to offer to your lordship the assurance of my high consideration.


Acting Secretary.

DEPARTMENT OF STATE, Washington, January 8, 1862.

SETH C. HAWLEY, Esq., New York.

SIR: Representations are made to this Department by the friends of the Government of the United States favorable to the release of Mr. Andrew Low, a prisoner confince in Fort Warren. the gentlemen making these representations seem to be of opinion that there is no wellfounded reason for continuing his ocnifnement. Under these circumstances I have to request that you will examine the papers+ herewith inclosed and proceed to Fort Warren and take such additional testimony as may be offered and return to this Department with your opinion thereon these inclosures.

I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


NEW YORK, February 1, 1862.

F. W. SEWARD, Esq., Assistant Secretary of State.

SIR: In pursuance of your instructions under date of January 8 I have examined with care the case of Andrew Low, now a prisoner in Fort Warren, and beg leave to report that Andrew Low is a citizen of Georgia, a resident of the city of Savannah in that State. He has been engaged for many years in extensive commercial and shipping business as a member of the firm of andrew Low & Co., of Savannah, and Joshua Dixon & Co., of Liverpool. He is a man of large fortune and wide-spread


*See p. 1033 for this order.

+Not inclosed, but see preceding statements.
