1167 Series II Volume II- Serial 115 - Prisoners of War
You will please, sir, to bring the proceding reflections to Mr. Seward's notice and make report to us of the manner in which the minister shall receive your communication.
Accept, sir, the assurances of my distinguished consideration.
[Inclosure Numbers 2.]
DEPARTMENT OF STATE, Washington, January 9, 1862.
Chevalier HULSEMANN, &c.
SIR: I have submitted to the President the note left with me which was addresed to you on the 8th of December last by Count Rechberg touching the affair of the capture and detention of the British contract steamer Trent by Captain Wilkes, of the San Jacinto.
I send you a copy of the correspondece which has passed on that exciting subject between this Government and the Govermnents of Great Britain and France, and I have to request that you will transmit these papers to Count Rechberg.
The Imperial Royal Government will learn form them two important facts, namely, first, that the United States are not only incepabel for ately just and friendly in their intercourse with all foreing nations; and secondly, that they will not be unfaitful to their traditions and policy as an advocate of the broadest liberality in the application of the principles of international law to the conduct of maritime warfare.
The United States thus faithful to their sentiments and while at the same time carefl of their political constitution will sincerely rejoice if the occasion which has given rise to this correspondence shall be improved so as to obtain a revision of the law of nations which will render more definite and certain the rights and obligations of States in time of war.
I shall esteem it favor, sir, if you will charge yourself with the care of expressing these sentiments to your Government, and will at the same time assure Count Rechberg that the President appreciates very highly the frankless and cordiality which the Government of Austria has practiced on an occasion of such great interest to the welfare of the United States.
I avail myself of the circumstance to offer to your, sir, renewed assurances of my very high consideration.
DEPARTMENT OF STATE, Washington, January 10, 1862.
J. LOTHROP MOTLEY, Esq., &c., Vienna.
SIR: Your dispatch of November,* no day named, has been received. The account you give of your reception by Count Rechberg and also of your audience with the Emperor is exceedingly gratifying. The observations made by you on those occasions were in the main very just and approsite and we cannot doubt that they will produce good effects. Events crowd each other and the question raised in a dispatch gives place to a more urgent if not more grave one before the reply can be received.
I have directed a copy of the general diplomatic correspondence of a year, a copy of the correspondence on the Trent affair, and finally a
* Omitted, containing nothing relative to this case.