Today in History:

1171 Series II Volume II- Serial 115 - Prisoners of War


and the explanations to which I have just referred have arrived at the conlusion that they constitute the reparation which Her Majesty and the British nation had a right to expect. It fives Her Majesty's Government great satisfaction to be enabled to arrive at a conluscion favorable to the maintenance of the most friendly relations between the two nations.

I need not discuss the midifications in my statement of facts which Mr. Seward says he has derived from the reports of officers of his Government. I cannot conclude however without adverting shortly to the discussions which Mr. Seward has raised upon points not prominently brought into question in my dispatch of the 30th of November. I there objected on the part of Her Majesty's Government to that which Captain Wilkes had done. Mr. Seward in his answer points out what he conceives Captain Wilkes mithout violating the law of nations.

It is not necessary that I should here discuss in detail the five questions ably argued by the Secretary of State; but it is necessary that I should say that Her Majesty's Government differ from Mr. Seward in some of the conclusion at which he has arrived, and it may lead to a better understating between to two nations on several points of international law which may during the present contest or at some future time be brought into question that I should state to your for communication to the Secretary of State wherein those differences consist. I hope to do so in a few days.

In the meantime it will be desirable that the commanders of the U. S. cruisers should be instructed not to repeat act for which the British Government will take to ask redress and which the United States Government cannot undertake to justify.

You will read and give a copy of this dispatch to the Secretary of State.

I am, &c.,


FOREIGN OFFICE, [London,] January 10, 1862.

[Lord NAPIER.]

MY LORD: * * * Her Majesty's Government have every reason to be satisfied with the opinions and the acts of the European powers in regard to the matter of the Trent. The Emperor of the French without delay instructed his minister at Washington to support by argument and by consel the proposals for reparation made by Her Majesty's Government to the Government at Washington. The Emperor of Austria and the King of Prussia as soon as they were asquainted with the facts threw the moral weight of their judgment into the scale of Great Britain. While Her Majesty's Government have een much gratified by these spontaneous marks of adherence and approval they have no reason to be dissatisfied with the conduct of Rusia. Baron Brunnow wrote at once from London to his colleague at Washington condemning in strong terms the conduct of the commander of the San Jacinto and advising due reparation to Her Majesty's Government by the President of the United States. Prince Gorchakoff wrote also t to London private letters entire approving the step taken by Baron Brunnow. Other powers have expessed similar sentiments. * * *

I have, &c.,