1299 Series II Volume II- Serial 115 - Prisoners of War
idea of the state of affairs. Men that were thought decided in their opinions have changed and there is no confidence placed in any one. * * * He (Colonel Heath) is in debt, and if he was not so busily engaged in going to fight for abolitionists (though he says for the Union; that is gone forever) he would be put in jail, so little do they care for him. * * *
The First Company of Iowa Volunteers returned here on Friday morning and had a grand reception a breakfast prepared for them at the Washington Square. The streets and almost every business place were decorated with evergreens, flowers, banners, &c. I did not go down town for I do not countenance anything for this war. I beg of you, my beloved husband, to be careful of what you say. We have cautioned you enough in our letters, written some time ago, but you cannot be too careful. It will be time enough to make your sentiments known after you settle with the Government, get your money and come home. * * * If you get what is due to you when you get to Washington I shall be content. Do not pay it out to Corcoran or any one until you reach home. You can send them what you can spare. * * * We hear occasionally from George, who is in Nashville and thereabouts; he says the he is perfectly happy and will not move from there until the war is over and then only to visit, for that is his adopted country. * * * Be careful what you say or do and get home to me as soon as you possibly can. * * * When you get here he (Charles) will leave here, I reckon, for he hates most of the people, and it will be much better for him to do so. * * * Judge Pollock told Colonel Heath the other day that he heard you had left Bogota several months ago and had joined the Confederate Army. He said if we knew General Jones to be a Union man (that is against the South) we would elect him Governor. We do not say what we think of your politics, and be careful what you say until you get home.
from the letters of his wife and son, showing that they were fully prepared to assume with confidence that he would unhesitatingly join his fortunes with the rebel cause and would heartily approve the course of his sons in doing the same, served to give confirmation and emphasis to his own treasonable declarations. Jones in his correspondence generally adds further weight to the evidence furnished by his wife and son of his long-cherished and habitual sympathy with the feelings and purposes of the conspirators who originated the rebellion. His letters to Jefferson Davis disclose the treason he was then contemplating. He had just learned the first movements of the rebellion, the secession of five or six States, the formation of a pretended Confederacy and the inauguration of his correspodnent as President thereof at Montgomery. He, a minister of the United States, hastened to give the rebel chief not only assurances of his sincerity he wrote him a history of his life to show that his views and feelings had always harmonized with the interests on which the rebellion was founded. There is not in either of his letters to Davis a single word of dissent, disapprobation, remonstrance, reproach, admonition or caution in regard to his treasonable course; but unqualified sympathy, approbation and adhesion. The same is true of his letter to Morse.
The said Jones remained in custody at Fort Lafayette February 15, 1862, when in conformity with the order of the War Department of the preceding day he was transferred to the charge of that Department. -From Record Book, State Department, "Arrests for Disloyalty. "
DEPARTMENT OF STATE, Washington, December 19, 1861.
Honorable S. P. CHASE, Secretary of the Treasury.
SIR: As this Department has proof of the disloyalty of G. W. Jones, late U. S. minister to New Granada, I will thank you to direct that the payment of any moneys due to him in that character be suspended.
I have the honor to be, your obedient servant,