1429 Series II Volume II- Serial 115 - Prisoners of War
and delivered himself to General Holmes, by whom he was permitted to go to Fredericksburg where he joined a volunteer company then being raised. He has been a skipper on the Southern coast. Says he married in North Carolina dna has a child now living there, his wife being dead. There is nothing before me showing any charge against him, and I recommend that inquiry be made to General Holmes why he was sent to Richmond, and unless something be shown against him that he be discharged unless it be deemed proper to detain him as a hostage.
L. L. Widgen. -Says that he is a New Yorker by birth but a resident of Richmond, where he enlisted in Peyton's artillery, now under General Magruder. He says he has been tried and punished for resisting his captain; but he does not know and there is nothing before me to show cause why he has been imprisoned. It seems to me that his captain ought to be required to account satisfactorily for his imprisonment or take him back to duty.
Thomas Alexander. -A native of Hampshire County, Va. Says that he was a member of Captain E. M. Armstrong's company and was taken prisoner at Romney and paroled. He went to the army at Winchester and was told he had better come to Richmond to get employment as he could not fight. He knonws no reason for his imprisonment and there is no charge against him. I recommend that he be liberated and employed.
Benjamin Gemeny. -A Virginian professing to reside in Baltimore. He was arrested as a dangerous and traiotorous person. See Mr. Beale's statement herewith filed. The examination of the prisoner satisfied me that he was a spy and ought to be detained therefor.
Allen Leonard. -Says that he is a New Yorker by birth but a resident engraver of Richmond. He is a fool. A crazy Union man who was arrested and committed for expressing a strong desire for reunion. He says that he is utterly opposed to war and equally opposed to disunion; that he was [for] reunion but he cannot conceive how it is to be accomplished. He says that Major Tomlin arrested him at West Point. It may be well to inquire of Major Tomlin why he arrested him. I think the man more fit for a lunatic asylum than a jail.
Jonathan T. Bingham. -By birth a Pennsylvania; resides near Vienna; sixty-four years old; professes entire loyalty. Colonel Cash, of the [Eighth] Regiment South Carolina, testifies strongly in his behalf as to his kindness to his regiment. I see no reason to detain him. Colonel H. W. Thomas also certifles in his favor. Took the oath of allegiance to the Confederate States.
William Woodworth. -By birth a New Yorker; fifty-seven years old; resides near Lewinsville; owns 100 acres of land; professes entire loyalty; took the oath of allegiance. I see no reason to detain him.
Abraham Lydecker. -Forty-eight years old; native of New Jersey; has been a resident at Vienna; is keeping a store; not a prepared to say that he will remain in Virginia or to take the oath of allegiance. He is charged with improper dealing with the enemy. He denies it, but I think he is an alien enemy. He owns some personalty but no realty.