Today in History:

1437 Series II Volume II- Serial 115 - Prisoners of War


R. A. Flanagan. -Born is Fluvanna, Va. ; age fifty-five; has lived several years in Fayette; voted against the ordianance of secession but supports the laws and constitution of Virginia and the Confederate States. Was arrested on a visit to a son who was sick in our army. A man of good general character. I recommend his discharge on taking the oath of allegiance to the State of Virginia and the Confederate States. Witnesses, Colonel Coleman, Mr. Alderson.

Albert Fuller. -Native of Cabell County, Va. ; aged eighteen; an unruly boy. His farther and brothers Unionists. Albert Fuller was passing the house of Henry Shelton, a secessionist, armed with a musket and bayonet going in the direction of the federal forces at Barboursville in company with another youth. W. Ward is the other youth. W. Ward is the other youth. Shelton took the gun from him. Fuller went on to Barboursville, and a company of Ziegler's U. S. cavalry were sent to arrest Shelton. The boy who was with him went back to Fuller's farther. Fuller's father and brother came on to Shelton's and killed him before Ziegler's cavalry arrived. Fuller's brother went to Ziegler's camp and thence to Ohio. His father was killed by a son of Shelton. I think Fuller ought not to be discharged but from the imperfection of the testimony I cannot advise where he should be sent for trial. I think he was the cause of Shelton's death and ought in some way to be brought to justice either by the State or Confederate authorities; but the seat of justice of the Confederate States for this district (Charleston, Kanswha County) and the committing of the offense are both in the possession of the enemy. I would suggest the propriety of an act of the Legislature of Virginia authorizing the trail in some other county. Witnesses examined, Peters, Poteet, Beekman, Wilson.

William Henchman. -Sixty years old; born in Monroe County, Va. ; has lived in Cabell; has been a magistrate and commissioner of the revenue. Union man; voted against secession; voted for a member of the Wheeling convention and the Northern Congress. Professes to have done it through ingonarance and compulsion of the enemy. Says he thought the election for members of the Wheeling convention was ordered by the proper authorities of Virginia. Professes a willignenss to support the constitution and laws of Virginia and the Confederate States. Is willing to taek the oath of allegiance. [In this case I think as Henchman has voted for establishing the revolutionary government of Virginia he ought to be turned over to the State authorities to be tried for treason against the State. He does not seem to have had any connection with the army or the military authorities of the United States. His offense is civil and political, and as it is immediately directed against the State of Virginia he ought to be brought to justice by that State; or if suffered to go at large it should be by the Virginia authorities. His general character is good.] Witnesses, Peters, Beekman, Wilson, Albert Laidly.

Alexander Williams. -A native of Nicholas County, Va. ; did not vote on the question of secession; was willing to abide by the action of the State; is willing to take the oath of allegiance to the State of Virginia and the Confederate States. No cause of arrest knonw to me. Was probably arrested on suspicion. His general character is good. I recommend he be discharged on taking the oath of allegiance. Witness examined, Mr. Alderson