Today in History:

308 Series II Volume III- Serial 116 - Prisoners of War


prisoners belonging to the other nation in neutral vessels to any of the stations for exchange aforementioned of the nation to which the prisoners belong. And they shall be delivered to the agent and receipted for in the same manner as is directed and expressed in the eleventh article, and tn delivered shall be placed to the credit of the nation sending them in neutral vessel. The expenses incurrednd under this and the elevent article are to be paid by the nation sending the prisoners, and the prisoners so embarked in neutral vessels shall be permitted to proceed to the port of destination without molestation or other interruption by the subjects or citizens of either of the nations.

13. Lists shall be exchanged by the agents on both sides of the prisoners hirtherto delivered, and after lists are adjusted and signed agreably to the rule of exchange hereby established the persons named therein shall be considered as liberated and free to serve again, and well as those heretofore exchanged, notwithstanding any parole or engagement they may have previously entered into. And in future prisoners embarked in a cartel belonging to the nation sending such prisoners shall not be credited to the nation so sending them until they are delivered at one of the nations of the nation to which such prisoners belong and a receipt is obtained from the proper agent of such delivery; but where the prisoners and cartel both belong to the same nation the delivery shall take place and receipts be given at the point of embarkation, provided that the delivery shall not be considered complete until the cartel is in the act of departing the port, and the nation deliverity the prisoners shall certain the custody of them by maintaining a sufficient guard on board the cartel until she is actually under way, when the receipt shall be duly excecuted and delivered; and when special exchanged are negotiated in discharges of special paroles a certificate of such exchange must be forwarded to the nation where the parole was granted.

14. If either nation shall at any time have delivered more prisoners that is has received it is optional with such nation to stop sending any more prisoners on credit until a return shall be made equal in number to the balance so in advance.

15. This cartel is to be submitted fto the Secretary of State for and in behalf of the Government of the United States and to the Right Honorable the Lords Commissioners of the Amdiralty for and in behalf of the Government of Great Britain, and if approved by the Secretary of State of the United States shall be provisionally executed until the assent or dissent of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty of Great Britain be known. And it is further agreed that after the mutual ratification of this cartel either of the parties of six month' notice to the other may declare and render the same null and so longer billing.

In witness thereof we the undersing have hereunto set our hands and seals at Washington this 12th day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousland eight hundred and thirteen.



Having seen and considered the foregoing cartel for the exchange of prisoners in all and every of its articles and approved the same, I do hereby declare that the said cartel is accept, ratified and congfirmed on the part of the United States.